LOG 79: Blinky Blink!

"What happened, were there any survivors? Injured, detective?"

"Yes, yes, one trainer was mildly hurt, the other severe. Rest assured, she's fine now. The culprits were identified as Team Plasma. Although some of them escaped, we believe we've held captive most of them already. This is not the end of their tyranny. We're certain their notoriety is far from falling, but we, the police, are doing our best to find their king. We had also captured the leader of an organization who was at its peak. She's now held in Castelia's detainment center for questioning."

"Does this signify the end of the Entralink Crisis?"

"Yes, but not conflict. As long as Team Plasma's out there, you can be damned sure they'll stop at nothing to have their ideals and beliefs come to life. They're like future versions of knights. I don't know where they got that ideology though."

"And is it true, Reshiram had awaken?"

"... ... No ... ... Rumors are rumors."

"But the previous tele--"

"They've perceived the wrong Pokemon. Probably due to the smoke and shadow casting a silhouette similar to the dragon because of the fire hours ago. Gladly, the firefighters put it to rest, and the garden will be revived."

"About the mythical Pokemon, is it safe?"

"It was aided. Nothing to worry about that."

"I see. Thank you for your time with the Pokemon Global Network Station, Mr. Looker."

All that was coming from the radio.

Dawn was cold. She couldn't determine where she was. The wind she was feeling hinted it was night as her eyes gently woke up. They were met with fog and water. She quickly wiped and dispersed them off. A bit of heaviness echoed on her head, trying to shake it off through slapping it.

The first her eyes met were her clothes. It was white compared to her favorite - the one her mother gave her. She looked inside the clothing and saw bandages attached on bottom of her abdomen.

She gave moving a go but was just greeted with pain who forced her back to lie down. There were pictures on the walls - cheap benign prints of uplifting scenes.

"You're finally awake!"

Dawn jerked, pain vibrating on her bottom.


"It's fine. What do you mean finally? Was I in a coma?"

"No silly. That'd be too dramatic. You only suffered severe head damage resulting in a fracture on your skull but comma's way worse. You're basically a lucky girl."

"And this?"

"Oh that. A twig punctured your uteri."

"You're not serious are you?" Dawn's eyes widened.

"Doctors don't lie."

Dawn remembered something. "What happened to Victini?"

"The Pokemon's fine. I was able to surrender it to authorities for aiding."

"And the garden?"

"They'll fix it I guess."

"Mom's gonna kill me when she sees I'm wounded. Worse, my wound's on my thingy. That Jenny, she escaped?"

"She was apprehended. Not by force. She gave herself in."

"Good for her. She deserved to do that and be captured anyway! Bet Team Plasma didn't do the same."

"You're right."

"Ugh. They hurt me more than my wound."

"Scar you mean."

"Wait... Scar? So you mean... I can't... I can't..."

"There's always other options. Hey? Let's not talk about that."

"This Jenny, is she--"

"Luna's friend? Yes. They went to an argument when Jenny yearned for revenge after thinking she killed her sister."

"About you? Do you believe Luna killed her sister?"

"Of course not!"

"She can be a psychopath," Dawn giggled and teased. "Don't you consider that?"

"If there's any, Courtney's plan was to wreck their friendship I think so Luna and Jenny could fight. Two years of rivalry. Now that she let herself in, it could be the end, or still, they could fight. Who knows what the future has to offer?"