LOG 80: A Day of Bliss to be Celebrated! (Version 2)

Three weeks... Three weeks... What happened to Team Rocket? We were unable to find the location where Zekrom would be summoned, but I still have the stone with me. I sleep with it.

We flew everywhere! Searched far and wide! Yet no... All chasms... All mountains... None of them appear to be working for Zekrom. Maybe it's just lazy to come out? We had no choice but to retreat. Other professors of Team Rocket are however on the clock to discover the true location.

I had heard about the news in regards to the Entralink. Sad, but okay, Team Rocket blew up a space station, so in terms of damage, Team Rocket wins and Team Plasma is still nothing compared!

However, I do have sympathy for those who were affected, except for Team Plasma. All the Pokemon there, all the people involved aside from Team Plasma?

They went in silence for three weeks straight including us, primarily the professors who went none stop looking and searching lores at their laptops. Our desperation for Zekrom to defeat Reshiram was entirely beyond average.

Reports spoke that Jenny was captured. I was both happy and disappointment. This would mean the end of seeing her since if I ever go visit her, I'll end up like Jenny. However, it was a disappointment that I could not be the one to deliver what she deserved. Although, I truly think she should've went to the Hoenn Region instead to investigate.

What she did, surrendering to Mr. Looker was a sign she had restored herself to the usual Jenny I know... Or at least I believe she did.

Today is a day of bliss for no longer do my name has the word teen on it. I'm finally a twenty-year-old Luna. It felt kinda strange knowing I'm no longer an adolescent. I'm way beyond that now.

The world of the adults, I've been waiting for it!

I awoke, eyes blinking to see my Pokemon all surrounding me. They gave me their hugs and kisses, embracing my body tightly until there was no breath for me to grasp. Volcarona on the other hand just stayed inside her Pokeball.

"Thanks," I cuddled them back while giving them many belly rubs.

I also noticed Zeal, Charlotte, and Virgo were not in their beds. They must be planning something for me. I'm sure of it.

First thing as an official adult was to check what the internet has to offer. The moment I went to our social media, I saw a banner of the official Unova Pokemon League Association.

"Well, looky here! The Pokemon League's coming up soon."

My Pokemon were all on my face, watching every movement of my fingers.

I scrolled further and clicked the link located below the messages of the post. It sent me to their official website.

There, in its brightly colored walls, it had given my phone access to the list of competitors. The Leagues here are quite special than what other regions have. So, I can't wait to see what's in store.

"L... L... Ah! Knew it. Typical Logan." Under the power rank (445) was him. It displayed on the bottom corner all his badges. He had all eight of them at last.

In Unova, trainers who succeed against the Elite Four battle out, and the last one standing battles the champion compared to Hoenn and Sinnoh.

I remembered the time when Logan was against Cynthia, one of the most powerful trainers in the whole world. Will he succeed against Alder or maybe not?

Along the list were a few other familiar faces like that little dragon lad. Her name is Iris. I think I didn't watch Logan's Sinnoh league competition because of my missions back then. Now, I believe, is the opportunity to pay back that owe. It's been quite a while since I witnessed a Pokemon Battle between two trainers.

While Team Rocket's busy with all these Zekrom shenanigans, our only way of matching against Reshiram, I'll be a spectator of the League!

Virgo burst in the door. On her hand was a drink. for sure it wasn't water since the transparent cup had a visible red color.

"Happy birthday, Luna!" Virgo said.

"Thanks a lot. Wh-what's that?"

"The official ceremony for becoming an adult of course! Your the youngest among us. Since you're twenty, have at least sip."

I lifted my upper torso, a bit dubious of what she was offering. Anyway, I wanted to give it a go.

"Haven't tasted that before, haven't you?"

"No. What is it?"

"Do you like it?"

"I guess... But I still prefer orange juice."

She giggled. "It's alcohol, silly! Red beer specifically."'

"Oh. So this... This is what it feels like to drink."

"Want more?"

"Er... No thank you, I'll give a pass."

Today I learned such drinks were not meant for me.

"K, k, suit yourself! Now come on, Luna! It's a whole celebration waiting for you." She pulled my hand.

"Slow down! Slow down!"

Suddenly, Charlotte appeared in front of us, blocking the door. His smile was half happy and angry.

"Happy Birthday, Luna," she uttered sarcastically.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Explanation?" She showed me her phone.

I smugged. "Hmm? What ya doin in that website?"

"Curious. Then I saw this!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong? You registered a seat for the Pokemon League tomorrow! Why? Is it to watch that Logan?"


"You've fallen in love, haven't you? You did! I swear it, you did!"

"Hmm, maybe a little below that," I answered as though I was uncertain.

"Humph! You're lucky it's your birthday and that you're an adult now."

"Charlotte, relax! You're acting as if you're her mother. She can do what she wants," Virgo backed me up.

"Yeah, I guess so." She squinted. "Still keeping a close eye on you and... And Logan."

"Pff... Yes, yes, mommy."

"That reminds me," Virgo frowned.

"We'll find Alice soon," Charlotte reassured. "If it weren't for Luna who told everything! She wouldn't have poof out of existence if you just kept it a secret and lied!"

"She'll know sooner or later. Her whereabouts will come to identity when the time's right."

"She might end up like her mother. She can also turn invisible," Virgo panicked.

"If she becomes another Jenny, screw her!"