LOG 81: The Opening Ceremony

At the deserted portion of the Unova Region was no other than a desert, home to the venue for the annual Pokemon League. The structure reminds me of the Greece Pantheons or their temples with the tall pillar like structures. They also had a pinch of Arabic setting with it noted from the shape of their roofs.

Far beyond the main Colosseum where all Pokemon battles are partaken is the Grand Palace of the Champion. Only the victor who triumphs over first, the elite, then the other successors, will be allowed to climb its majestic stairs and battle the champion, Alder, at the very zenith.

Since it was my birthday yesterday, I had ease with forcing Charlotte to let me attend and watch. The celebration of my twentieth was great, but I'd rather keep that a secret.

Road to the other corner of the region was easy with Gardevoir. It made me wonder if Gardevoir could teleport our ships as well, or is such too heavy that can affect her portals and power? That discovery is yet to unfold.

Upon reaching the venue, I was greeted with hordes of people entering the gates. The gate was similar to the narrow giddy paths where Spartans hid and attacked the Persians. For an odd reason, I'm having some interest in history and other stuffs unlike in my adolescent years.

At my seat inside the Colosseum, I was earnest to find Logan or at least spot him. Then there was my Zekrom stone which I never knew I brought. It started with a tingle on my pocket that soon attracted my attention as I pulled it out.

"Oh now, you're glowing eh?" I teased and placed it inside my pocket again.

Minutes it was before the beginning of the ceremony and I was constantly bothered by the stone. This was not some sort of coincidence so I called an expert I could rely on the most.


"Yes, Virgo. See?" I displayed it on my camera. I had to shout. It was too noisy for her to hear me.

"Er... Ttyl, I'm gonna finish my pancakes and scan its geography afterward."

"Yeah, you should. Feels bumpy here. Lots of jagged, and the terrain's weird too."

"K, k, bye!"

The moment I declined the call, someone else touched my shoulders.

"Hey! Didn't you were going to watch Logan's match."

"Dawn? Yes, I am." I said uncomfortably.

We sat beside each other.

"You fine? Heard about the explosion."

"Feeling better than average! Your friend, Jenny--"

"Yes, yes, she did it."

"She's ar--"

"Good for her."

Trumpets roared, turning everyone's eyes towards the main gate. A chariot entered: Two flaming Rapidash overflowing with blue flames.

"Ain't that a shiny Rapidash?"

"Yes. Kinda like your Gardevoir."

"Wow, never seen one up close."

"Me either! Sinnoh's rare in fire types despite having an Elite Four who specializes in fire."


The chariot carried a bulky looking dude who was brown in complexion. He appeared as is he was a plumber who's got one of those paint thingies for the teeth when it comes to boxing.

The commentator at the balcony spoke. "The power-packed trainer from the Unova Region, introducing Marshal, the fighting elite!"

A black carriage similar to a tea cup was up next. It had cold stripes to add a touch of royalty. It came from the North of the main.

"The author of a thousand books, the timid bookworm, Shauntal, the ghost elite!"

Shauntal stepped out, giving everyone a gracious bow.

From the east was another carriage. This time, it was white. It had stripes of black for contrast.

"The master of darkness, the silent and gentle, Grimsley, the dark elite!"

The last carriage did not come from the west, rather, from above. Two soaring Altaria landed. The coach opened the door as a young splendid woman who appeared reserved and sweet like a nurse walked down.

"The calm, steady, sovereign of the psychic, Caitlin!"

The applause was louder on hers. She must be the "star" of the rest or the strongest among the Elite Four. There was something about her that fazes me. I wasn't sure if it was the glance she gave everyone. She was strict and serious, in my humble opinion, but Dawn thought otherwise and said she is a tender and silent woman.

"The Elite Four had gathered once in for all! Trainers of the League, this is your chance to prove your strength and might! The opportunity to prove your bond with your Pokemon!" The commentator lifted their spirits. I was plain quiet. Going along with the claps and screams of die hard crowds and audiences wasn't my thing. I came to sit, relax, and spectate.

"One year of training had dealt courage to your Pokemon," said Marshall.

"We expect a lot from you, dear trainers," Shauntal followed.

"Heads or tails? That is the question," added Grimsley.

"So do not disappoint us, fellows of the league, the champion who sits and watches on his palace awaits the rightful!" Caitlin said finally.

Buzzes and noises littered the skies. Trainers who were at the waiting room listened through their small screens.

"Here ends our ceremony. Let us not waste anymore time, so without further a do, I welcome our audience and competitors to the Unova Pokemon League! Who will reign sovereign and be crowned the new champion? The answer is soon to come!"