While watching the other competitors battle for victory, Dawn explained to me that the Pokemon League here has some unique and distinguishing systems and features that I've only known today.
The Elite Four, unlike other regions, are allowed to handle three Pokemon only while the challenger gets a total of six. Might seem unfair for these elites, but I believe it's unfair for the trainers. They've got to go through them one by one. No potions. No revives. So it's... A six against twelve! Double the amount of the trainer's. But with Logan, I trust he had planned ahead against this tactic.
"For our twentieth trainer," said the commentator, "The victor of the previous Sinnoh League Competition, give a hand of applause to Logan!"
"Finally! He's up against the first elite," Dawn was fired up to cheer for Logan. She could scream like a fan girl all she want but maybe I'll stick to clapping loudly instead. There's also me and my ovethinking brain who says Dawn is trying to compete with me.
The crowd clapped in a perfect rhythm. Logan displayed his confidence as both he and Marshal sauntered to the very center.
"Greetings, challenger! My name is Marshal! In order to master the art of fighting, I train under my mentor, the champion! It is my intention to test you--to take you to the limits of your strength. Kiai!"
"Let round one of the twentieth segment, begin!" Proclaimed the referee, waving his white flag high and mighty.
The elite threw out his Mienshao. A slim, alluring, Pokemon. Logan's confidence vanished into thin air.
"Er... What on Earth's weak against fighting again?"
"Impossible. Logan's been to many leagues. Why does he seem scared and uncertain?" Dawn asked.
"The system. It panics him. He's got one go, no do-overs, six against twelve. Intense worry can lead to the lose of focus and concentration." I hypothesized.
"Armaldo! You're first."
"God no. He chose the opposite of what he was supposed to choose!" Dawn face palmed.
"Type advantages is one thing, but doesn't determine fully the outcome of the match."
The referee lifted his other white flag, signaling the provision to attack.
"High Jump Kick!"
"Armaldo, dig!"
"Armaldo, crush claw!"
"Seismic Toss!"
"He should switch. Substitution is valid, right?" I said.
"Wait. Armaldo's also a bug! So... It's a fair fair."
The descent, he used as an advantage. Mienshao was still at its foe, letting its claws pierce its head diagonally.
"It'll take more than a bug to defeat me."
He responded with a gulp. "Armaldo, Brine time!"
"Focus Blast!"
Armaldo held the sphere coming towards it.
"Clench it tightly. Don't let it go!" Logan advised.
Armaldo's cries were prolonged, hinting struggle. At the end, its tired muscles gave in and accepted the attack.
"Trainer Logan, send out your fifth Pokemon!" The referee instructed.
"Return and rest, Armaldo!" Logan switched pokeballs. "
"Braviary, I trust you on this one!"
"That's a good choice. Braviary's a flying but also a normal."
"It's a fifty fifty, but since Braviary has the higher, aiming would be difficult," I said.
"Mienshao, Focus Blast, go!"
"Now, Sky Attack!"
"Mienshao is unable to battle! Elite Marshall, please send out your second Pokemon!"
"You've done great, Mienshao! It's your turn to shine, Throh!"
"It's one of those fat bulkies again!" I grinned.
The crowd's applause was on equal sides. Throh and Braviary were like Metapods but not boring. The battle was long. Braviary ruled the skies, striking as a bird who was but a swift black line traveling in all directions. Throh on the other hand had eyes who were fast. It could detect Braviary at some occurrences. At the end, Braviary had succeeded, nearly worn out and tired.
The final match. Dawn and I were certain Logan would reach the next round. One blunder is fine. At least Logan's working again.
Conkeldurr was up against Braviary. Its attacks on the stat list was high. It had a rocky beard, a bouncy red ball. Two pillars, it held. Conkeldurr's presence brought the attention of the entirety to Marshal despite Logan having the upper advantage.
"Cheer louder!" Dawn advised.
"Just gonna clap here."
"C'mon! You're being shy again!"
"What? No, I'm not!"
"Braviary, Brave Bird!"
"Heh, Conkeldurr!"
Conkeldurr flexed its muscles and threw its pillars.
"This is bad. He's got four Pokemon left and that's only the first."
"Have faith, Luna. Logan has a Lucario, Leafeon, Heatmor, and Gallade. Those four are his powerhouses!"
"I guess so," I swallowed a megaton of my saliva.
Logan sent out Heatmor next. There was a moment of quietude between the foes. They had no distinguishable smiles. Only eyes... Black... Red... Dreary eyes. Fists were clenched, rage steamed.
Conkeldurr bashed forth, Heatmor remains in place. Both its claws and Conkeldurr's hands played a pushing war. Both Pokemon slid, feet burning, ankles gaining clusters of heat.
Heatmor followed up with a clever kick on the foe's leg. Shocked, Conkeldurr's hands were released and its guard was down. Heatmor used Fire Punch and aimed for the head. It did this for a multitude before Conkeldurr realized what was happening.
A powerful dynamic punch was on its way as was a Drain Punch.
Though Conkeldurr obviously won in terms of punches, Logan was intelligent to use Drain Punch. It transferred some of the energy from the foe to itself. Feeling better, Heatmor gave a cold glare and spits a geyser of lava at Conkeldurr.
"Conkeldurr is unable to battle! The winner is Logan, and is given permission to challenge Shauntel!" proclaimed the referee.
I blurted through whispering on my mind while Dawn was an absolute cheerleader. "Four against nine. C'mon, c'mon. You can do this."
"Whew! Well done. As your battles continue, aim for even greater heights! Representing the Pokémon League i has been my duty as Alder's student. However, there is nothing as empty as words not backed up by strength. A word in your ear, strong challenger... The other members of the Elite Four are far more powerful than I am. Do not underestimate them!"
"Thanks, Marshal! I definitely won't."
Marshal and Logan shook hands, officially ending the first round of the twentieth segment. The applauses were on him. He gained mine as well, though I was a bit worried about him having four left.