LOG 85: New Details!

Virgo typed in her laptop when she discovered something new. She nearly spat out some milk from her drink.

"Moomoo Milk causes fats?" she exclaimed as she stared on her cup. "Guess I won't be drinking you again."

Virgo stretched her limbs. "That's enough internet scrolling for today."

She switched tabs to where she had the geographical map of the Pokemon League's venue.

She was about to spit out milk again. "Funny, I thought I stopped drinking you? Oh wells, you're delicious."

Multiple red lights were appearing on her screen. They scattered throughout the venue but particularly around the arena shaped like the Colosseum and the champion's palace where Alder gazed at the whole event.

"This is bad. This is bad!" Virgo scratched her head.

She ran to our dorm and disturbed both Zeal and Charlotte who had bored little faces while playing a game of Chess.

"Charlotte! Zeal!"

"Eh?" said Charlotte.

"Why are the two of you forcing Chess? I thought you hated that game. Anyway, look!"

"Big... Big red thingies?" said Zeal.

"These are heat signatures! Heat signatures underneath? Aren't you all suspecting something here?"

"Maybe they're rocky pokeys. Check," Charlotte said.

"No! They have a gray color. This... This is human heat."

"Human heat?"

"Yes! Team Plasma! They're underneath the Pokemon League!"

"Let them do what they want. They're not our business anymore. Just go look where Luna's stone can glow."

"Yes! It glows in the Pokemon League. I've been talking to her recently."

"Hmm... So Zekrom can be summoned there?"

"Exactly! I was supposed to tell you a few minutes ago, but I'm damned, Moomoo milk causes fats!"

"Wait, it does?" Zeal said.

"Yeah, here's the article-- No! We gotta focus on Luna."

"Tell Madam Boss." said Charlotte.

"No. I'm not going there. What we're going to do is do this in secret. I'll tell Luna what to do through headphones. The classic spy talkie talkie."

"And what are you going to tell her?"

"To get out and return to HQ basically."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she returns with one or more Evergreens than herself." Charlotte mocked.

"Science disapproves that!"


Back at the Pokemon League, the results are in. Logan's face was frozen, his Gallade lay fainted on the wall of the battlefield. He had surpassed two elites but couldn't reach the third.

"Gallade," he murmured, "Return to your Pokeball."

"If somebody wins a battle, then, without doubt, someone else has lost the battle. That's the way of battle. A real warrior doesn't dash off in pursuit of the next victory, nor throw a fit when experiencing a loss. A real warrior ponders the next battle."

Logan walked to him and forced a smile, shaking his hand.

"Somebody owes me bubble tea."

"Yes, yes, I'll give it to you. Logan's never been this low in his trainer career before."

"That defeat looks like a defeat coming from a trainer who didn't practice battling without revives or portions. I've watched his Hoenn, Sinnoh, and he feeds pools of them to his Pokemon."

"At least now he has something to examine next time right?"

"Maybe. By that face. I feel like he's gonna compete again next year. I also have a bit of certainty this defeat's gonna make him end up like the ones in the movies."


"Oh, ye know, the trainer loses, goes to a mountain to train, kinda trope?"

"Oh, right. Right. Hey, Luna, is that your phone ringing or is it something else?" Dawn noticed a high pitched tone coming from my pocket.

"Funny. It doesn't make this kind of sound before."

"Wh-what's that?"

"A stone."

"I know what on Earth that is, but what kind?"


"Please, tell me! I won't tell anyone."

"Yeah, it's Black."

"I know it's black, but what kind?"

"What am I supposed to say, Midnight Black? It's the Black stone!"

"Oh," she prolonged.

Logan, with a slouched posture exited the gates of the Pokemon in a slow pace, analyzing things in his head again while returning to the waiting room.

"Here ends the twentieth segment! Onto the twenty-first! She is a young trainer from the Village of the Dragons, introducing, Iris!"

The audience clapped for a new challenger.