LOG 86: To Follow or Not To Follow

I was explaining to Dawn what the stone is and how it'd function, even lying it was for a good purpose of purity and nobility. It was there when Virgo finally rang me up.

"Luna! Luna!"

"What? Moomoo Milk makes you fat doesn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"An article in the web a few days ago. Knew you wouldn't get to the point immediately. Anyhow, enough with that. What happened to your laptop? Let me guess, spat milk at it to cool it down?"

"Almost did. Fixed it right away! Anyway, get out of there unless you want to face a horde of grunts beneath your feet."

"It's true then. This place is Team Plasma's hideout." I had to increase the volume of my voice because of all the cheers.

"Yes, so get out!"

"Might be their headquarters. I'm staying. The Meteonite might be there."

"You're still going for that? We found another option!"

"Nah, nah, I'm getting the Meteonite. I'm sick of restarting from square zero! You heard it, square zero not one!"

"First, that's an overstatement, second, this is easier. Do you know something about the Forces of Nature?"

"The bulky grandpas?"

"... Okay... For some reason I agree with you. They do look like grandpas with thick muscles don't they? Anyway, there's this re--"

"Oh my, I'm getting the Meteonite instead. The Reveal Glass is like gone from existence!"

"That's what the myth says or wants you to believe, but Doctor Zager had acquired new evidences. So return now! The match is done, Logan lost. I was watching too. He didn't do well against the third Elite."

"Kinda expected more from him, but hey? Everyone's gotta be at the lower rank once in a while."

"K, now return!"




"What do you mean no?"

"I'm not wasting this opportunity to summon a dragon that nearly caused Armageddon in this region! Relax. There's no need for a reveal glass, some ancient prophecy--"

"That's not a prophecy."

"Still the same. Point is, the Meteonite's below me so I'll just grab it, get out, and we can all celebrate again!"

"I don't know about this. Madam Boss doesn't have a clue about this either."

"Don't tell her. It'll be a gift." I started boasting but playfully, "I, Luna Evergreen, will deliver her chew toy back to her."

"Ooh. She's gonna scold you and me."

"Oh no. My speaker. Er... I'll just get the Meteonite. Maybe she hasn't checked through the hard drives yet. This will be advantageous for me. Bye!" I declined the call.

"Well, privacy's wrecked since the dawn of the internet anyway," Virgo shrugged and went about her business.

"Who was that?" Dawn questioned.

"Virgo. She forgot her pizza again at the local store and now she's asking me to pick it up. Gotta go."

"You're not going to watch the whole league until the end?"

"Maybe I will when I deliver the pizza in time. I'll send my regards to Logan first before I leave."

"Room 43, that's his waiting room."

"How did you know?"

"Been there first before you, even before the league started." She wiggled her brows.
