LOG 98: To New Heights!

I stopped by in Chargestone cave. There, no one could witness me. The serenity of what it has, I've also been pleased by it.

"Zekrom. What now?"

"Hehe. You must want more action eh? Say, you haven't battled Reshiram that much didn't you?"

Zekrom nodded.

I petted it.

"No worries. You'll be damn sure N's still out there. Your rivalry between Reshiram and you is just in the beginning! Tell you what, I want you to accompany me."

"Yes. Team Rocket's got a little room for you because you're too big, but you're useful. A dragon like you could... Help do what you just did a while ago... Even if all we did was to wait. Sigh," I lay on its back and gazed at the hanging blue sparking rocks above me.

"I have here, er... a Pokeball, a Great Ball, an Ultra Ball. Let's see... There's also one Rocket Ball here. I suggest you choose that, since Black? and you're black? Up to you! Or you could be your ball thingy and I'll just put you in display."

Zekrom's fingers pointed at the Rocket Ball.

"Great then!" I stood. "Boop it with your nose and you're mine officially!"

Zekrom was about to boop it when I asked it to stop.

"Wait, wait. Not yet."

I called Virgo.

"Hey, Luna? Everything alright."

"You bet. Transfer Volcarona in my PC account."

"What did she do this time?"

"Oh, nothing. Just do it. I want Zekrom to come with me today."

"No way!" She screamed. "You're catching a legendary Pokemon?"

"I believe so."

"Can I pet it?"

"I'd rather not show the public, and Zekrom won't fit down below. It's only for important and emergency uses!"

"Aw... Fine, fine! I'll send Volcarona."

I held Volcarona's Pokeball and placed it inside the teleportation tube. I then connected to our Unova server.

"All set!"

"Sending in three... Two... One... Done! You now have five Pokemon with you."

"Thanks a bunch. Call you again later, bye!"

We declined the call.

"Now that's all set," I placed everything back in my bag.

"Are you ready?"

It leapt with enthusiam.

"Woah, careful there. You're gonna make me fall. Here! The Rocket Ball!"

With no moment to loose, it pressed the rocket ball. It was an automatic capture since the Pokemon was willing. Me, having a legendary Pokemon of my own? It's hard to describe my joy and excitement. There's only one Zekrom in this world and having the ownership to it could take me to new heights!