LOG 99: The Meeting!

I reached headquarters somewhere at seven with the yearn to jump into my bed and rest. I've eaten my dinner in a local diner and now that my stomach is brimming with nutrients, I need to sleep.

My back was hunched, Everyone who came across me were witnesses. My vision was a bit blurry than usual. I may have the nutrients but the energy won't kick in just yet. They were wondering why I was covered in filth and mud.

"I'm gonna wake up in the middle of the night again," I told myself, scratching my head tirelessly.

First to encounter was Charlotte with her bubble tea. I immediately said to her, "Do even my day-off clothes have speakers on them! Everything? Every single garment has one?"

"Definitely. Didn't she--"

"Thought she meant Team Rocket clothes only! Eh, who cares, privacy was rigged since the 1960s. I'm going to have some nappy naps!"

"Did Logan win?"

"Now you're interested?"

"No. Just curious."

"He didn't win. Is the dorm locked?"

"No. Zeal's there."

"K, k."

"Have you eaten--"


Finally, to touch the doorknob was the hint I was close to sleep. I opened the door. Virgo and Zeal surprised me. How usual of them. I didn't flinch knowing they did that every single time I entered the dorm.

"Howdy, howdy." I said.

"Sleepy, Luna! Or should I say, Miss Solar?" Zeal joked.

"Pfft. Please, I just want to rest. At least an hour? Disturbance-proof?"

"Sure. But first, go to Madam Boss. She's waiting for your arrival."

"What the? As in, in this very minute?"

"Yes," Virgo affirmed.

"You guys are kidding right? I mean..." I dropped. "My bones, muscles!"

"You did nothing to be honest. Zekrom did everything," Zeal helped me stand.

"Before that!"

"Just go to her. Who knows? Maybe you'll be rewarded with a rank? Unless of course, you didn't bring her chew toy."

"Nope. Gone! It's air. I'll go talk to her when I wake up. Probably midnight." I jumped right into my bed and furled myself with a blanket.

"She also said she could demote you when you don't visit her," Virgo warned.

My sleepy head went away. "You should've told me sooner! Lead the way. If I can't sleep, the two of you can't too!"

"It's seven in the evening! No one's sleepy yet," Virgo said followed with a yawn.

"What was that?"

"I was stretching my jaws!"

"Hmm, come on! The faster we finish, the faster I wake up!"