LOG 106: A Bit of Pride!

I went out of the auditorium with ecstasy like never before. A colonel of Team Rocket? Own brigandage? That would be an invigorating experience for me. I could help but go to the dorm where I met Virgo and Zeal challenging themselves to a game of checkers. Charlotte, I believe, was with Domino.

"Guys! Look!" said I. I ought to remain humble, and so I minimized my smug and presented my epaulettes like a child who had just won a teddy bear from a carnival.

"Are those colonel epaulettes?" asked Virgo.


Zeal's reaction was priceless. There was a pint of jealousy in the stir of her happiness and awe of hers.

"Does that mean you command us, now? How weird is that?" Zeal said.

"I'm happy for you, Luna, but I do agree with Zeal. It is a bit awkward to know before we work in teams, now you're simply above all of us. Not, not, that we envy you or something."

"Yes. It'd be a little weird, but hey? Madam Boss hasn't given me a list of names of who's who in my army."

I went to my bed and searched underneath. There, I was able to find my colonel outfit. It was taped in plastic. I opened it and showed it to my friends. They and I were astonished. It was similar to the ones in the military except the color and tint of the uniform was stone gray.

"Never mind that! I envy you, Luna! But in a good way," Virgo's eyes were gleaming.

"Cool. Colonel Luna, is that what we'll call you now?"

"No, please, just Luna." I blushed a little.

"Well then! We better help you pack your things now, eh? Your ship awaits you tomorrow morning, doesn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"It's obvious!" Zeal said. "Come on, we'll help you out, colonel!"

Now, I feel a bit guilty at some point even if I do realize they call me colonel just to tease me. They're my friends, and I'd rather let them call my name as Luna. Simply Luna.

Before the sunset. The three of us arranged my clothes and garments. Charlotte did not enter once. She was probably enjoying her time with Domino, although, I think Domino thinks otherwise. I'll only take two luggage with me in case it would be a long one. I believe it is. As for where I'll be staying, Madam Boss said something about island hopping or maybe I could just book myself in a hotel! I'm twenty and independent!

"Luna! Wait, before you go eat dinner, can you take care of this for me?" Virgo halted me between the doors.

I came to her. "Is there anything you need me to do?" I wondered.

She presented an oval basket. Removing the top of the basket, I blanched to see an egg. "A Pokemon egg?"

"It could be yours. I just found by the riverfront. I don't do eggs, but surely, you do! You raised a Bagon!"

"You're sure? I'll help raise this Pokemon for you?"

"No! You can have it."

"First a Gardeviorite, now an egg? Where do you wonder, Virgo?" Zeal asked. "Maybe I could have some of that treasure too."

"A stroke of luck." She stuck out her tongue.

"Really? I... I..."

"Don't be shy," she pushed it to my hands. "I don't know what Pokemon's there, but if it hatches, tell us! I wanna know!"

"Of course, of course. Thanks again, Virgo!"

I placed the egg with green spots on my desk and hugged Virgo afterward. I was timid in front of her and the rest of my friends. There was even this ticklish sensation that angers me during my dinner with Charlotte, Virgo, and Zeal. When she heard the news, her world cracked into pieces but was able to repatch it with ease. She squeezed and congratulated me, even doing what Virgo and Zeal did, calling me colonel for tease and fun.