LOG 107: Departure!

Upon the Castelia piers is a cruise, so still upon golden waves. She is every color I loves so much, every hue of pastel that brings the seafront to mind. Her paint is flaked, showing the colors of yesteryear, revealing them so that they may dance in the sunlight once more. I want to let my fingers mover over her surface, taking in each imperfection, all of which add to her beauty.

Charlotte, Zeal, and Virgo escorted to me to the pier. We knew it'd be a long time since we would see each other again. That's what usually happens in a lone mission with often times, the agent doesn't return. I wouldn't want to be the next victim so I planned on being vigilant of my surroundings. On the other hand, I could keep myself company through calling my friends from time to time.

I was carrying my luggage, holding with me the egg Virgo gave. It was far from hatching. I could note by how the shell was too soft. It was like holding a water balloon. It was laid in the recent if I were to guess. My uniform and epaulettes, I brought for the unexpected.

"Colonel, Luna! Good luck in your voyage. S.S. Stravinsky's has a reputation of being an unsinkable ship so I expect you'd arrive safely to your destination."

"Virgo, stop calling me that."

"Why's that, colonel?" Charlotte said.

"Please, only Luna. It... It makes me have this jaw feely thingy."

"Well, well, since Arid's a long distance from here, what do you plan to do while on board?" Zeal asked.

"Maybe look around? It's a large cruise! There's even a saloon, a pool, a cinema, I've heard too!"

S.S. Stravinksy blew its first horn. The first funnel was overflowing with smoke.

"Wasn't Titanic called the unsinkable ship?"

"Hey, you've been to a lot of ships before! This one is definitely no different. You'll be fine." Charlotte comforted. "Oh, and I won't bother you anymore if you meet Logan since you're twenty. Just, please, be careful when you're around him."

"We're only friends."

"Still," she inserted softly.

The cruise blew a second as did the funnel next to the first began to smoke. It was the second warning that the ship was about to leave. I couldn't wait to jump into such luxury while can't bear to wave goodbye to my friends. Sure, I can call them, but the feeling's still quite different when they're around with me.