LOG 13: Haydn Forest

The path of our foot faded as it led to the darkness of the woods. Another success with the checkpoint. At first I was scared when the police was agitated by the quiver, arrows, and bow they saw in Valery's traveler's bag, but she showed them a falsified ID of the Archers Association, or the company responsible for holding archery competitions in the entire country.

"I'm a participant. What better way to channel focus and concentration in a deep forest like this? On the other hand, this is Luna. Of course, she's a citizen here, I would need someone to get me back to the town."

The excuse was accepted. No wonder why I couldn't sleep because of the printer sounds I was hearing. One of my accomplice's skills is to create false documents that would easily let us in to any checkpoint or could be used for reasoning.

While we were far off from the police, where even if it was day, we still need to use our flashlight just to get through twilight, Valery attached some sort of circular technology on the branch of a tree.

"What's that for?"

"To make it more believable. That is set to activate at four in the afternoon. Our holograms would pop up and go walking back towards Ludwig Town so they don't suspect why we haven't returned yet."

"Wouldn't they ask questions?"

"Yes, of course, but no worries, these clones are smart enough to answer."

We continued our journey through the forest. I was beginning to complain why the trees in this archipelago prefer their leaves to grow dark green. It must be that the soil's fertile in these areas.

At quarter to one, we had our lunch inside a tree since it had a cool looking arch entrance that allowed us to stay in its bark. Valery finished early and went outside to play around and practice her violin while I just sat and watched her. She was so devoted in her hobby by the grace and impression she expressed.

"What song is that?" I asked.

"--Piece. It's Chopin's."

"Never heard of an album named Chopin."

"Chopin's a composer. Nocturnes, he writes them, or tranquil pieces for night or moonlight."

"Moonlight Sonata?"

"That's Beethoven. And a sonata is different."

She was interrupted by the soft mumbling of chirps and quiet footsteps. I stood and went out, scouring the place with my binoculars. Night time vision during the day? Screw the leaves, I blame them.

Valery rushed behind my back and shivered. "Is there anything approaching us?" The more the steps became louder, the harder the clench on her Pokeball.

"A Gyarados!"

She screamed and barreled inside the tree.

I laughed intensely. "Just kidding. C'mon, what's a Gyarados going to do in a forest?"

She glared at me. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"That's the most cliche response I've ever received."

"Yeah, yeah, but still!"

The grass rustled. Something pecked my foot so I immediately screamed and ran behind Valery.

"What now? A tiny Gyarados?"

"Go check it." I pushed her, but she pushed back.


"I'm colonel!"

"I'm older than you!"

"Fine, fine, I'll do it instead." I drained all the air in my lungs and slowly tip-toed to the grass.

An inch away, I heard another chirp as a Pokemon leapt and bit my finger.

"Oh, it's just a Fletchling! Nothing to worry about," Valery exhaled.

"A Fletchling?" I checked its wings. "Oh my, it's Fletcher!"


I began cuddling him. "Just an acquaintance I met in Wagner City. He was being bullied, so I decided on saving him. How you doing?"

"You have a soft spot after all eh?"

Fletcher jumped down, escaping from my arms then continuously running around me.

"You're looking energetic today."

Fletcher was conveying something that I couldn't identify at first until I noticed his eye movements.

"Oh my, Fletcher! There you are. Don't run off just like that. Your talon isn't healed yet." Nurse Joy of Wagner City came panting.

"My, it's the girl. I'm sorry if Fletcher was disturbing you again. I was chasing him since yesterday!"

"Woah, you've gone so far."

"I'm afraid so," Nurse Joy tried picking up Fletcher but he bit her fingers.

"What was that for? You weren't like this!"

Fletcher continued squealing directly at my face while circling me.

Nurse Joy was a statue at first until she and I had the same hunch.

"I... I... I think--"

"Fletcher wants to join my team?"

Fletcher's squeal got louder, nodding with enthusiasm.

"So you get to catch him?" Valery said. "What luck."

"Well, my team's full of female, and having one male is awkward, but hey? I can't disregard an offer!" I looked at Nurse Joy.

She giggled. "Go ahead. At least I'm certain that he'll get better soon. His wings and talons are yours to take care of."

I smiled, walked three steps back and took out a Pokeball.

"Ready or not, here comes nothing!"

Fletcher jumped and pecked the button, absorbing himself inside.

The ball automatically shook trice and I was able to capture my first male Pokemon and flying type. He was taken into my PC account and is granted my eighth Pokemon.

[Fletching! The Tiny Robin Pokemon. A normal and flying type. Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, it's merciless to intruders who enters its territory. Fletching knows four moves. Quick Attack, Agility, Peck, and Acrobatics.] stated my Pokedex.

Seeing my Pokedex on my hand and then my Rotom Phone on my pocket made Valery move her head sideways. She was shocked.

"Fletcher's learned a few moves from living in the streets. Although, he hasn't quite stimulated that yet as his wings were injured for him to move around. But with him jumping and running, I think his talons are prepared for battling. Just ease the pressure on him for a little while." advised Nurse Joy.

"Sure. Thanks Nurse Joy!"

"It's nice to see trainers catch Pokemon who are willing to join them in their life! Take care of Fletcher for the city's people, miss! I'll be off now. Chansey must've been dealing with hundreds of patients already."

"Bye, Nurse Joy! Take care! And sorry if going through the forest was pointless."

She chuckled. "Not at all. I got myself some mushroom anyway. It's a win win."

Nurse Joy went on her bicycle once more and left.

"A new Pokemon? Makes me envy you."

"Hey, at least yours can mega evolve!"

"Oh right. About a battle! Battle me!"

"Not now. We still have a mission to accomplish."