LOG 14: The Egg

It was time that we continue our journey with Fletcher following. I had his body wrapped around my arms, carrying him as we passed through the forest. I was constantly inspecting his wings and if he could fly at some point already. I was hesitant at first when he was earnest to fly to my head and nestle on it, as if my hair was his nest, but on our way through a dense part of the forest, the bandage of his wings was accidentally torn apart upon being ripped by a thorn of a shrub.

Before all of that, I had to contact headquarters to do the same thing I did with Zekrom.

I was able to see the scab of his wounds and it appeared it was about to fall off, meaning his injury is on the verge of healing. I allowed him to fly and he was able to do so, landing on top of my head then jumping into Valery then back into me until the whole process repeats itself and his talon makes him trip down. Luckily, I caught him before he got his head bashed on a log.

"You better be careful. Doesn't mean your scabs are falling off, it means you're ready to take flight fully."

He frowned and walked instead.

"He's got a nature alright, but can't determine what," Valery said, laughing at his stride.

We apparently lost track of where we are. Valery forgot to check her map for hours due to being entertained by Fletcher. It was nightfall and so we decided to camp outside.

There wasn't any space for us to set up tents. Trees would have to be our roofs as we lie tired in our sleeping bags. Valery cooked dinner while I prepared the bags. She shot and killed wild Pokemon just so we could eat. I couldn't be a witness of it, especially their cries and woes. While she was cooking a recipe of her stew, she began noticing an intense glow coming from within my bag.

She alerted me of this as well as Fletcher who bounced around it and chirping what I believe is my name. I came at their behest and opened it. Valery was also curious to know what was happening.

I pulled out the egg and identified it as the source of Valery's superstition and myth, that my bag is possessed by ghosts since we're heading to Figaro Island.

"You have an egg?"

"Yes. My friend gave it to me."

"You have a friend?"

"You think I'm lonely in this world?"

"It's nothing," she wiped of the sole sweat drooling off her forehead. "It's just something that I imagined in my head."

I had to pout hearing that.

"You'll have nine Pokemon now! Two at a row. Well, well. Can you donate to me your Volcarona?"

"No! She may be stubborn, but still, she's mine!"

"I'll trade it for a rare Pokemon. It can mega evolve."

"What Pokemon is it?"

"I won't tell you. Let's have a blind trade."

"Hey, we've met for barely a week. You can't expect me to give you my all-out trust right away."

"You think I'm a trickster? Sigh, if you don't want, then okay." She flung her shoulders.

The egg shook. I placed it on the floor and moved to Valery so we could both be enthralled by it.

"Sure you still don't want to trade? I haven't showed you my Pokemon."

"Show them first!"

"No, no, not yet. They're on diet and eat only every Fridays, Mondays."

"Don't you have pity? They've been in that Pokeball for decades!"

"Frozen. I wasn't hungry when you defrosted me, neither are they. I take care of my Pokemon," she boasted, but not in arrogance, but playfully. "Plus, I train their stomachs to be like that in case of an emergency. If I'm stranded, they can't expect to have food every day."

"I groom my darlings!"

"I do too, plus I take them a bath once a month!"

"Once a month? Me every week!"

"Well, I... I... buy them toys!"

"You spoiled your Pokemon."

"No, only when they behave like good boys."

"I feed them daily."

"I care for their fitness!"

Our little argument was halted when cracks formed in my egg. We locked our eyes on it to see what Pokemon would come out. I couldn't be more excited and alert Virgo of this.

Finally, three minutes in... the Pokemon revealed itself to the light!

"It's a... Caterpie?" Valery said.

"A Caterpie?" I tilted sideways as it was enveloped by a white veil. Once it was gone, it didn't appear like a bug Pokemon. "Looks more like a Magikarp."

Mischievous gags went out of the mouth as once again, a white veil came and the Magikarp turned into Fletcher.

Fletcher was insulted. He chased for the copy cat.

The Pokemon that hatched laughed and transformed into a Vigoroth, climbing trees and hanging on its branches, followed by sticking out its tongue to make mockery of Fletcher who couldn't fly to that height nor climb.

Fletcher was petrified. He ran and hid behind my legs.

"I get it. A Zorua!"

Vigoroth jumped down and revealed its true form. A black fox looking Pokemon with a red hair.

"A cutie."

"It's a dark Pokemon and is known to imitate other appearances."

"Cool. I've got to tell Virgo about this."

I immediately put my friend on the line and faced my camera to the Pokemon. Valery was silent, standing behind me. She didn't want herself to be known by my friends.

"Wowie! I shouldn't have gave that egg."

"But it's too late. Zorua is mine."

Zorua skipped around with Fletcher, the beginning of a new acquaintanceship. I think they were playing catch the tail. Whatever the game is, it certainly looked fun and wanting me and Valery to join in.

"You know the drill Virgo. I'll send Mawile over there too so Volcarona has company."

"Sure, sure. Go and get the device-- Oh, and why's there two sleeping bags in the background?"

I looked at Valery, signaling me with a cross of her hands.

"Er... It's for my Pokemon. Hehe, I have five more somewhere there, just couldn't fit the camera."

"Oh! Okay. Let's get this process done. I still have to eat my dinner."

Once I was able to capture Zorua, a baby male, I transferred Mawile to my account and pulled out Zorua. A mischievous little boy with an exuberant spirit.

"That Virgo. She seems like an expert in technology. She a Neuro?"

"No. A professor."

"Ooh. I'd like to meet her some day."

"Why were you shy, Valery?"

She looked away. "It's normal for people to be shy. Plus, I don't want to cause any trouble."


"Yes. C'mon now. Since you've got your Zorua, I'll make food for it too. His hatching period is lucky! He gets to eat right off."

"Well, er... I hope this recent stuff isn't bothering you?"

"Bothering me? Nah, it's fine. The whole envy thing was a joke. You're right," she showed me her Arceus pendant with a marble on it. "I have a Pokemon that could mega evolve!"

"And here I am, keep on wondering what that Pokemon is."

"You gotta guess."

"Okay. Give me some clues then."

"Let's see. He's big!"

"A male?"

"Yup! Timer start's now! You have until Friday to guess before the big reveal!"