Log 22: Of Steel and Flight! (Segment 2)

"And here I am, with one Pokemon left."

"Don't feel down. I got whooped up plenty of times too. Use your Pokemon that could mega evolve. I wanna see it."

"It wouldn't be fair. Scizor, it's all up to you."

"Are you this dubious all the time? How were you truly promoted as a lieutenant colonel? The truth?"

"That's none of your business," she swept her head sideways again. "We're partners, not friends... Yet, unless you want to become one? Do you?"

Hearing this, she has the capability of lying. I giggled slightly and said, "It's up to you. But if we are, you'll tell me the truth why you were really promoted as a lieutenant colonel?"

"No! Only best friends, know deep secrets like that. So, you have a long way to go. Anyway, enough stalling! Scizor, use X-Scissors!"

I switched Absol with Volcarona, but by doing so, Volcarona received the attack. It didn't do much.

"Quiver Dance!"

The user lightly performed a beautiful, mystic dance. It boosted the her Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stats.

"Follow it up with Flare Blitz!"

Scizor formed a cross with its pincers to shield it against the flames.

"Now, Screech!"

I used the attack twice to diminish its defenses to its very core.

"Use Bullet Punch!"

"Swerve around then--"

"Grab Volcarona and toss it to the air!"

I noticed a bit of strained hesitation when Scizor tossed Volcarona. It knew its trainer made a wrong move, nonetheless, went by her word.

"You should've tossed her to ground! Despite the slight drag, Volcarona could stable herself on the air because of her wings."

"I never thought about that."

"Now! Giga Drain!"

Scizor lost some of its energy.

"Use Screech!"

Another stage of its defense was lowered.

Valery was confused. She hit herself in confusion. "What attack should I use now?"

"Volcarona wrap this up with Flare Blitz!"

Scizor stood frozen waiting for her trainer's command. The flames widened before its eyes and was soon succumbed to it.

"Well, that sums up how bad I am!" she said with a smile. "Come back, Scizor."

"Hmm... Better head to Amadeus Town to heal Pokemon."

"Teach me first."

"I already did. And, the more we battle, you'll be back on the path of improvement in no time!"

"So, why did I lose?"

"I'm not a gym leader to tell you why."

"Please! Tell me why I lost." She clung to my leg.

"Frankly, I don't know either. But, in terms of relationship, I must say, though you've stolen a Tepig, you have a good bond with it. The rest, I can only assume is your choice of moves? I guess? I'm not an expert in evaluation so maybe we must seek for a connoisseur!"

"Unova's got loads of those."

"Then, wait until we return to Unova! Come on, let's head back."

She stood and dusted her knees. She then looked back and stared at the bush for minutes.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Weird. I feel like someone was watching us the whole time."

"Must be a Pokemon."

"Or the... police?"

"Why would police spy at us?"

She pointed at the tree. A wanted poster of me was seen with the Pokemon I have, Mawile and Volcarona.

"Ooh... I forgot about that."

I panicked a bit knowing I sent Volcarona out of her Pokeball twice.

"How could I forget?" I scratched my head then exhaled deeply. "It's a Pokemon, it's a Pokemon. If it were a police, we should be arrested."

"I guess you make sense, partner!" she said enthusiastically.