LOG 23: A Short Discussion

After the battle, we rested our feet and ate lunch at a rented motel within the town proper of Amadeus Town.

"I cannot in good conscience romanticize bacon, the meat of a Tepig that is a close genetic relative to human-kind. People love it, my own family included, and I cook it for them when they want... but there is something very distasteful about this meat that everyone raves about. I can't help but wonder if it is so elevated because we know in our hearts that it is so very wrong to consume such intelligent Pokemon."

"Or you could just be defending Tepigs because they're cute? You have a family?"

"And maybe that. Of course I have a family! What do you think of me? A girl with some sad backstory? My mother and father are agents of Team Rocket." She showed me a picture of Emboar as a Tepig in her Rotom-Phone. "Look at that cute face! Who couldn't resist?"

I went with the first rather than the latter topic. "No wonder why you stole that Tepig."

"Yes. I love cute Pokemon."

"You're like my friends. They love cute Pokemon too. All their Pokemon are cute, except maybe Charlotte... Zeal... Yeah, only one of my friends love cute Pokemon."

That being said, I remembered Gliscor and Zeal's Roserade. Those do not look like a Pokemon that would cuddle a toddler.

Not soon after lunch was over, we traveled straight of to the Amadeus plaza where Valery convinced me to watch a musical play. She dearly enjoyed it, and I pretended that I did.

"Why do people love old music?" I asked her, my eyes following the direction of the conductor's flick of that baton of his.

"That is not old music! It's classical."

"And when was classical music--"

"I know your trick! You expect me to say somewhere in the seventeenth century? Look, there's a thing called contemporary classical music."

"Fine, fine. You've got some vast knowledge about that subject. When did you learn all of this?"

"Since I was a kid!" She went on and showed the picture of her family, the wallpaper of her Rotom-Phone. "My father may be an agent, but he's both a violinist and a pianist."

"And your mother?"

"Nothing. Just an agent, but she dearly enjoys listening to the same music as my father."

"And where are they now?"

"At home. Or wherever their mission is. They probably think I'm dead or whatever, but when I come back, I'll definitely go see them."

"What's their name? Maybe I've acquainted with them before?"

"You haven't. I'm sure of it. Tell me yours!"

"My mother's name? And father?"

"Yeah! If we have to be friends, we've got to know a thing or two about each other."

"Wow, you function by some sort of system, don't you? Well, let's see, my mother and father are members of an organization that rivals against Team Rocket."

"Ooh! Who are they?"

"A Kanto organization."

"Wait, wait, I think I remember that with a Professor named Violet. Something along those lines as what I've heard from my father and mother. Those were a few of their last experiences that they shared to me before I was frozen! What's their name? Maybe they've acquainted or fought mine."

I gave a sharp smile. "They haven't. I'm sure of it."

She pouted.