LOG 30: Fire and Electricity

Valery's perspective:

Both of us stood up from the ground and observed our surroundings. We looked at the skies and discovered a cloud moving with extreme pace. The move was on purpose without a doubt but was also meant to missed intentionally.

From the mist concealing me as I searched for Luna in this once snow haven kingdom now a crater of a meteorite were sparks and flashes of light. Thunders crackling, and the shadow of a large Pokemon forming.

"Luna?" I called out and followed the spark of electricity.

An eye that swam in blood appeared in the vast closed. I chased after it, but soon after was a bellow as it ascended up, scattering the smoke away and clearing my sight from the mist.

A thunderstorm bequeathed a percussion of rain upon the land. Strangely, it was only within the area I'm at. There was something else aside from the cobwebs of clouds-- Two Pokemon whereas one of them had Luna riding atop it.

I've heard about this legend before, about the knights, those two Pokemon belonged to the knights--or heroes rather. I... I... I never knew nor was told by herself that she had with her a legendary Pokemon, Zekrom. Riding the obvious white talon of purity was a green haired man, one that I haven't seen before. He had a logo that I was utmost unfamiliar with.

"How are you still alive?" Luna scowled at the man.

The man gave her a sneer and flew up to the clouds with Reshiram, about two feet higher. "It's been a while, Luna! Tell me, have you grown with your Zekrom?"

"That's not for you to know. You should be with Team Plasma!"

"I'm afraid Team Plasma is a split territory now. It is time that I pursue what is right, beginning with ending Team Rocket!"

Both Reshiram and Zekrom clashed at each other. There is a kind of fast movement that is precise and well thought through, not the impulsive and random swipes of the cornered, yet more with the calculation of the chess player.

I couldn't keep up with my eyes. Flares, electricity, and then more of those until both decided to take the battle to higher grounds. I could no longer see them. They went beyond the clouds and used the sky as their battlefield. At times, the shadows of the legendary Pokemon would come and go, be fixed and shattered like the flickering of a candle light brought about by thunder and lightning.

Fire descended too with a following afterglow. I wanted to watch what was happening, and so, I had to go up with my Aerodactyl and spectate. Luna could be in trouble against the man, and maybe I could help out if ever.

Flying, pressured by the bounty of gust, I moved Closer to Luna. She had anger in her eyes, perhaps it wasn't her first time to have met the man.

There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. Zekrom rained blows onto Reshiram as if it meant to smash it into the very earth and Reshriam did the same. Each didn't just want the other dead, they wanted each other smashed, obliterated, nothing left to bury.

With all ferocious power, that last I've seen were to balls of flare and lightning charging towards their intersection. It spread throughout. Aerodacytyl and I were affected and was unable to handle it. I fell off my Pokemon with a head aiming towards the ground. I yelled for Aerodactyl to come after me, but it fainted in mid air. I was done for until Zekrom and Luna showed up to pick both of us.

She brought us back to the ground as everything was settled. There, I was able to inhale and breath deeply after what I've witnessed. Luna was panting with difficulty, sending the beast back to its Pokeball and asking me if I was alright.

"Yes. Thanks," I replied simply.

The clouds were gone and it was a normal out of the dark day once again. The wind was put to rest and rain became a frost of winter's wonderland.

"How did that just happen?"

"Long story short, there's these group of people called Team Plasma. N is their leader. So, we blew stuff up, he got mad apparently, and we fought. I thought he would die, I guess, this changes everything."

"You have a legendary Pokemon! Now my self-esteem is ruined."

Luna laughed.

"So where is he now?"

"I don't know too, Valery. But somewhere up there I suppose. He left the battle, that's one thing."

"Hmm... So was what you did in the Pokemon Center before leaving all a coincidence? No! I think not."

"Are you jealous that I have a legendary?"

"N-n-no. Maybe a little."

"Here, I'll help you catch a Pokemon instead!" She pulled me back up and dusted my shoulders.

"Really? You'd do that? But I don't think..."

"Then, we'll fix your account and you can borrow my device for now."

"Thanks! So... Is Zekrom permanently yours?"

"Of course! I don't plan to sell it back to wherever cavern it came from."

"Why not?"

She said playfully, "Because I'm one greedy lady!"