LOG 31: The Snake Hunt

Hours of scrolling at her Rotom-Phone to find the "perfect" Pokemon to catch, I did some training with my Zorua and Fletcher, first, switching them with my current team. They need exposure once in a while. I was able to teach Zorua Dig, unintentionally, since we trained at an area full of snow and it just so happens that he loves to smash his head into the snow and dig his way through.

Fletcher, it was time that I remove his bandages and let him fly free, well, not literally. He fought against the Pidgeys and Snorunts (I had to take my revenge) of the route and ended up boosting his agility and attack power of his moveset.

Finally, after Valery was able to come up with a decision, I went back to her and waited for what she had to say.

"This Pokemon looks feisty and it says there's one right here in this route too!"

"A Seviper?"

"Yes! I wanna have one of those."

I booted up my Pokedex to research more of the Pokemon she wanted.

{Seviper! The Fang Snake Pokemon. A Poison type. Constant polishing makes the edge of the blade on its tail extremely sharp. It's Zangoose's archrival.}

"Well, it has a good attack and special attack," I said. "Alright, let's get you one of those."

I called for Fletcher who was busy playing with Zorua.

"Can you find this Pokemon for us?" I asked, showing him the picture on my Pokedex.

He saluted and took to the skies.

Not long after, Fletcher came back with the news that left Valery quite disappointed. He couldn't find a Pokemon called Seviper and instead brought back an Ekans. Valery was, of course, choosy as she didn't want an Ekans nor a future Arbok but a Seviper. The difference between total stats of these two snakes was ten.

Fletcher was determined to go for another round of searching, and this time, instead of slacking off doing nothing, we decided to accompany him.

Fletcher called.

We rushed as soon as possible only to find him brawling with a Dragonair at a half-frozen pond.

"It looks cute, but I already have a dragon type," Valery said.

"What? You're not backing down on this offer, aren't you? A Dragonite! You don't want that?"

"No. I'm not Lance. Taking care of a Dragonite is difficult."

"Alright, er... If you say so. I'll take that offer instead, if you don't mind."


I commanded Fletcher to do three Acrobatics and then threw a Pokeball at Dragonair. I was surprised that there wasn't any red light nor did Dragonair enter the Pokeball after that.

"Eh? It's owned?" Valery said.

"There you are! Dragonair, come back here!" A panting trainer with white hair came and took back the Pokemon. Dragonair was one obstinate little snake, avoiding to enter the Pokeball at all cost but nevertheless ended up being inside after... Ten to twenty tries.

"I'm sorry if Dragonair caused much troubles."

"No, it's fine. Is that your Dragonair?"

"Oh her? Nah, she's another trainer's Pokemon. I'm training her for him."

"Ooh! So you're a daycare lady?"

The tall woman chuckled. "My name is Khaidra, gym leader of Dracovolt City."

"Dracovolt? Where's that?" I asked.

"Oh, you wouldn't know. Laurenburg region. Pretty sure you're all unfamiliar with the place."

"Yes, yes, we are."

"Nothing for you to mind.We just went here to do some training and will probably head back to the region thereof!"

"Ooh. Okay. Ms. Khaidra, do you happen to see a Seviper nearby?"

"Er... A Seviper? Let's see? Oh, yeah! Over there somewhere." She pointed at the Fothergilla shrubs and went about her business.

"Alright! Come on, Zorua, let's go!"

Zorua, irritated of the nose booping his nose was startled. He jolted and followed our trails afterward.

We hid behind the bushes with eyes keen and sharp. There was a Seviper sleeping while coiled on the branch of a pine tree.

"I expect you know how to catch a Pokemon."

"Of course! That's basic stuff. K, come out Braviary!"

Seviper woke from the loud shriek and fell down with a cone in its head. Angered, it aimed pupils at Braviary.

"That was Glare," I whispered.

Braviary, paralyzed, came falling.

Once at the ground, Seviper stabbed the snow that triggered it to shake.

"And that was Earthquake."

"Nice! A feisty battler. Braviary, return! Out you go, Scizor!"

Sevioer used Venoshock and quickly Scizor crossed its arms to dodge.

"Now, use Brutal Swing!"

It grabbed Seviper by the tail and swung it.

"Now! Bullet Punch!"

Seviper hit the bark, giving a chance for Valery to throw a Pokeball.

At the second shake, Seviper escaped and went all in with a Sludge Bomb flurry at Scizor.


Seviper was tossed again and later received innumerable blows with bullet punch.

"Let's try this one more time, Go Pokeball!"

At this moment, Valery was successful. She beamed with joy grabbing the Pokeball and waving it high into the air.

"Thanks for accompanying me!" She squished my body tightly. "Huh, the ball shrank. Hey, Luna, let's do the switchy thingy you were teaching me. I'll swap it for my Sableye."

"No problem!"

Dragonair was slithering at the snow again. She went around my legs. She jumped to Valery's face and clung unto the branch of a tree.

"There you are again, you naughty little Dragon!" Khaidra came back.

Dragonair spat out her tongue and went away as did the peculiar gym of leader of an unknown region went to chase for her.