LOG 44: DNA Splicers

At a cavern located at the Moor of Iccirus, a group of Team Plasma led by the sage, Zinzolin, went to search in-depth details for the DNA splicers.

A gaping hole in the mountain, littered with tiny sparkling crystals not unlike the stars of the night sky, yet it was so mysterious... Inside the cavern, darkness was eternity. It was like an invisible force, crushing their body, squeezing the life out of them.

The temperature dropped as they enter into the massive underground chamber, sending a violent chill down their spine. Light reached neither wall nor ceiling, confining vision to a small circle of flickering orange cast by the torch; inky black water sloshes against a narrow strip of land that disappears into the darkness before them and jagged teeth of stone descend from the shadows above.

There, inside a section, crystals glowed as if it welcomed the light in some embrace more than took it though so passively. The colors that shone in the brilliant light of day were a richness only nature can bring, a different sort of glow than the golden pools of streetlights. It was somehow more than light and molecules in that moment, as if together they were something greater than either could ever be alone.

The crystals had a way of enchanting your dreams, to take what was good and make it somewhere beyond amazing. There was an aura about them, a calmness that inspired a steady creativity that felt the same as a playful dance.

There, inward, they found a sculpture.

The fore of the sculpture was not one of joy, nor the sort of happiness that brings laughter, but of the sort of responsibility one gains when protecting freedom and health is placed in one's hands. It was an expression of the kind of seriousness that deep yearn, the awaking of the soulful protector and the coma of the inner jester.

"The heroes..." muttered Zinzolin. "Picture as many details as you can," he commanded to his grunts.

"Yes, sir!" they saluted and did the bidding.

"I knew it," said Zinzolin. "The city of dragons! You there!"

"Yes sir?"

"Alert Professor Sophie and Colress about this. It is confirmed. A frozen world is yet to come! What's left is Kyurem!"

"Of course, sir."