LOG 45: Sickness Dwells

Domino's Perspective:

It was a Monday and I was at my normal routine of being a secretary of Team Rocket's head. However, early morning I woke up, I had noticed most of the lights at the hall my room was at were closed and that there weren't any grunts around except for a single janitor mopping the floors.

I went to him. "Why are the lights still closed? It's already seven."

She shrugged at me. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Madam Boss hasn't given any instructions to the personnel responsible for turning them on. No orders, no work." He went about his business and left me behind.

I was stumped. Madam Boss? Though she goes to a cafe to drink her tea, she never misses the orders of turning on the lights throughout the headquarters.

"Hey! I'm not done."

The janitor looked back.

"Please open them for me."

"I only take orders from Madam Boss and no one else."

"I am her secretary and is due in charge whenever she's not around."

"Will I get a payrise?"

"What? A payrise for flipping one switch at the volt?"


"Unreasonable. Go or I'll report you to the head herself."

"Fine. It's not like I'm going to do something for the rest of the day anyway. We've been hiding underneath a manhole for years."

"Team Rocket's only on break, to ease out from previous cases."

He shrugged and continued.

I went to my desk at the control room to do my daily agendas of checking and signing papers but it was without a doubt a surprise to see Madam Boss not yet there. It's usually her who gets here first, except for the time with Charlotte where I discussed with her, her friend.

I assumed she was still busy in that tea session of hers and so I went ahead and did my work as a secretary. Signing papers with a single, perpetual, signature isn't tedious as one might say, but, I do, however, agree that it may get boring. For a high salary, nevertheless, will pay off.

It was already ten in the morning yet Madam Boss was not yet in the control room. My other colleagues working there were also wondering what was happening. She's in the latest she's been and so, I came up with two options. First was to consult her in her room, in the view of the theory she's there, second was to head out and look for wherever she's dining at, checking whether she's dealing with any sort of problems. Madam Boss doesn't have any Pokemon. She abhors them.

I knocked on her door and she answered hoarsely and allowed me to enter. I was relieved but still in a stir of worry. That hoarse throat was a hint she was in a bad condition.

I went inside and noticed she was doing her work on her queen's side bed, a laptop placed atop her lap, a mug of water beside and a tray of three slices of french toast. She was in her sleeping wear with the blue star night cap she always wore and was lying relaxed, covered with a thick woolly blanket and her fluffy, feathery, pillows.

"Oh. You do not prefer to work there, at the control room?" I asked her.

"No. I'll stay here for now."

"Are you alright? You look like you're sick."


I gazed blankly at her.

"I am sick."

"And what events led you up to that point?"

"I do not know, but I have consulted my nurse and will give me the results of my test later within the day. Go and work at the control room. I'll probably head out when I'm feeling much better."

"Okay then. If that suits you Madam Boss."