LOG 46: A Battle Between Siblings

Night had fallen fast upon the land. No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all color had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. The darkness was thick and the torched he carried in high right hand hardly lit his path allowing him to see at most an arm's reach in front of himself, and the black mesh that covered his face only made his sight worse.

Other than the darkness and himself all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind that's harsh bite could be felt through his cloak. He could feel the hairs on his arm raised and the bite of the wind had left its mark in the form of small bumps that were tingling on his arms, but its bite was more than flesh deep. His blood ran cold through his veins and his bones were chilled. The flames of his torch may have looked as though they burned warm, but their heat did not reach his skin.

"Keep moving," he told the tired cavalry behind.

"Before we get there, we'll be nothing but bones and dust, William!" said Boniface, his right arm.

"We're almost there."

"These men are starving. We had no food for a week already at least let us die without pain, in our sleep."

"We must reach Opelucid City before the other group gets there. Giving up isn't what Lord N would've wanted."

"Ah, freak. Do you even know where he is?"

"Out there, searching to acquire Zekrom."

A glimmer of light fell from a pine tree. It was a tiny fireball followed up by a dozen more.

"It's them," said Boniface. "We're weak. We cannot merely go against the army of Ghetsis. We must escape while we have the chance."

"Go and tell them to leave but leave three men."

"You can't possibly defeat them alone."

"I do not intend to."

"Suit yourself. Conrad, Richard and Louis will see to your aid." Boniface said and galloped away.

The rest of Lord N's army abandoned William and Boniface's three choices.

"They're getting closer," said Conrad, seeing a dozen shadowy figures appearing on his radar.

"Lighten them!" William ordered.

"Rapidash, Flame Wheel!"

Louis' Pokemon aimed its attack on the tree, starting a wild fire. Some of Ghetsis' army were unable to get through, but the majority succeeded and William faced a new problem.

An arrow came flying to the sky, landing an inch away from William's shoes. William looked up and witnessed Mary jump from the branch of a tree.

"You're still alive?"

"I do not die easily, Mary. I see you've betrayed us."

"Ghetsis is the rightful king and the soon ruler of all of Unova."

"He speaks lies,"

"And so does your Lord!" Mary sent out a Primape. Three more men backed her up.

Conrad, Richard, and Luis did the same.

"This time, I'll be sure to win! Go, Watchog."

Mary chuckled. "Still with the silly games, aren't you? Watchog's weak."

"You don't know that!"

There was a moment of frozen silence, soon thawed by the snap of William's fingers, signalling the start of the clash. Watchog flew over Primape's head, Mary countered with an Iron Tail command just right before Willaim's Pokemon landed on the ground.

Conrad and Richard pursued the Seismitoad and Louis, the Unfezant.