Currently, 10:41 in the morning, Sunday, late February, and I'm babysitting a kid who's older than me. I was on the fourth floor of a mall, following Yang Li running around to a store full of electronics poking at everything.
I waited for him outside for quite a while, seems like he's not done.
"Hey, are you done?" I walked inside, finding him talking with someone I know, Xie Longdou.
"Haohao, I'm almost done." Yang Li turned his head to greet me.
Xie Longdou opens his mouth and starts to talk, I interrupted him and I pretended not to know who this guy is, "Acquaintance of yours?" I asked.
"A client... I guess?" Yang Li turns his head and asked the man himself.
I'm disappointed, this guy who I call a friend doesn't even know things about himself.
"Haohao?" Xie Longdou questions how Yang Li calls me, "I didn't know you knew Alpha."
Ah, that's what Yang Li meant by a client.
"I knew him longer than you do, but why are you here?" I didn't bother to smile, since we didn't have a good relationship.
"I'm running an errand." Xie Longdou made an excuse, but I wasn't dumb enough to take that lie.
"On a Sunday?"
Yang Li went back to look around the room, but this man in front of me, who's four years older, was a fool who didn't even know what to do when he was caught lying.
Yang Li was walking back after he checked something out on a credit card under my name, just to notice the awkward situation.
Xie Longdou clears his throat, "Mom's worried." He makes another excuse.
"That's the funniest joke I've heard all day." I didn't do anything but argue because there's no point in making someone, like this guy, happy.
"You knew him?" Yang Li whispered to me.
A recognizable man walks to Xie Longdou, "Young master, we're ready to leave."
"Let's go." I told Yang Li after turning around.
"Wait!" Xie Longdou grabbed my arm, "Dad's in the hospital because of a car crash. I know you aren't cold-hearted. Aren't you even slightly worried?" He asked with a worried face with a slight panic.
A 20-year-old, begging a 16-year-old to go somewhere, how pathetic.
"Cold-hearted?" I snapped, "What do you want me to do, Xie Longdou. You want me to visit a father who abandoned his kid because of favoritism, so you can feel better about yourself? Wake up, you're nothing but a stranger who's related to me by blood, and that's the only reason I haven't tried to ruin your-"
"Dang." Yang Li interrupted and covers my mouth again, similar to the time at the party, then he drags me far away "Let's leave before you commit arson."
- - - - - - - - - -
Yang Li knew when Xie Feihao grits his teeth and glares at people, he's pissed enough to break someone's bone. At least Xie Feihao is the type that doesn't get angry for too long, but when he holds a grudge, it lasts for years.
Xie Longdou was only a customer who asked to upgrade the security on the database of his parent's company. Yang Li didn't know why Xie Feihao was so angry, but they did say something about their dad. Wait, 'their' dad?
"You're siblings!?" Yang Li just realize something after half an hour of the incident, "I thought you were an only child!"
"You're so slow," Xie Feihao sighs and goes back checking on the pairs of glasses he was looking at, "and I'm not accepting that coward as my sibling."
"Since when this happened?"
"This one isn't too big and not heavy." He tries it on and looks at the mirror, "Since when you're American."
Yang Li walks over and took the glasses off of Xie Feihao, "How many fingers am I holding?"
"Two, it's just extremely blurry." Xie Feihao puts the contacts back and then took the glasses out of Yang Li's hand, "I want my old vision back and the time when I don't wear something that's uncomfortable."
"Then wear glasses instead of contacts."
"The glasses I have are extremely heavy, why do you think I'm getting a new one then?"
"And here I thought Li Honglie was the weird one."
"Oh, Li Honglie is different: her father cheated." Xie Feihao told him after buying the newly brought glasses, "I've checked, Li Feifei and Li Honglie's birthday are only 2 months apart, and they're blood-related relatives."
"How did you get these pieces of information without getting help from those... parents?" Yang Li was confused about how what he should call Xie Feihao's biological parents here since Xie Feihao himself said, 'they're nothing more than strangers.'
Xie Feihao took out the contacts and puts it in a container, "I was going to report something to the student council, but then I changed my mind after it was lead by an arrogant kid who only cares about his appearance. The security was absolutely horrible, and they leave their files everywhere. You expected me to ignore interesting information I found?" He points at Yang Li with the new glasses then puts them on.
"Yes, that's what normal people do, and they don't gamble around with their own life." Yang Li sighs, only because he's used to it, "You always like to run into problems, don't you?"
"I would rather live a life that does something instead just sits around and do nothing."
"No wonder you take so many risks, if this keeps up, I won't even be surprised if you went to the casino." Yang Li mumbles, "By the way, that guy was shut-in before you possessed him right?"
"Pretty much, I burn everything in his room."
"You're merciless... well, since he confessed to Li Honglie and didn't succeed, is he a shut-in because real girls are harder to get, also, you're pretty short."
"And you said I'm merciless," Xie Feihao walks outside the store while Yang Li follows, "You just insulted me in the face. I'm short?" He acts as if he was annoyed.
"I mean, you aren't badly looking either, and some girls are actually into that stuff." Yang Li puts his hand on Xie Feihao's shoulder as if he's comforting them.