Raghav met Ayan at court, as he saw his condition he quickly ran towards him and said, "what the fuck happened to your hand? And why the hell you are looking like a mess?" Let's go to the medical room and bandage your hand, you already lost so much blood, said Raghav again with so much concern.

" I am fine Raghav, it's just a minor injury, leave this, "you know that Abhimanyu, he is fucking being over smart and now Jhummi thinks that Abhimanyu helped her last night and she hugged him too. I want to break all bones of that Abhimanyu, he didn't tell her that he was not the one who helped her" said Ayan in frustration.

Oh! "That is why you are raging like a bull, you saw Jhummi hugged him not you, and now you are being jealous right you envy Abhimanyu, he got the hug from the most pretty girl," said Raghav in more teasing tone. You are my best friend or his, how dare you talking like shit, I m not jealous or anything. I am angry because that Abhimanyu lied, and you know, for Jhummi this matter is not smaller, she told that Abhimanyu, that she owes him something big, and you know him very well right, so I have to do something and soon said Ayan with pure rage." Okay I'll help you in that but first let's go to medical room" said Raghav and Ayan nods."Thank god it's your left hand Ayan otherwise you wouldn't play this tournament and you know that how important it is" said Raghav and Ayan agreed. "I don't want to do practice today, let's bunk today please," said Ayan, and Raghav agreed.

Jhummi told Suhani that who helped her last night was Abhimanyu. But how does he knows about your situation?? Asked Suhani with a confused face.

I didn't think it that how he knows nor I asked him. I don't know how he knew that but I am glad that he helped in that situation said Jhummi and Suhani agreed.

I need to change my clothes for practice said Jhummi and went into the changing room. As Jhummi locked the door of changing room someone put a hand on her mouth from behind, Jhummi's breath hitched in her mouth and she got panicked. She slowly tried to turn her face as grip on her mouth loosened. Her eyes widened in shock to see Ayan there, she took her step back and as she was trying to raise her hand on him, he holds her hand and twist it behind her back.

"What the fuck you think you are doing Ayan"?? Leave my hand right now said Jhummi with angry tone.

She knows Ayan Will not hurt her but his closeness making her uncomfortable."Why the hell you hug that bastard Abhimanyu huh, didn't I told you to stay away from him, how many times I need to tell you that he is not a nice guy, he is being Saint in front of you," asked Ayan with rage full eyes.

"What the hell is your problem Ayan, are you fucking being jealous to him, I just hug him as a friend because he helped me last night but that is none of your fucking business, you don't even know me properly, so why you are interfering in this"?? Asked Jhummi with heavy breathes.

"He is fucking lying to you stupid girl, he didn't help you at all, he don't even know what happened with you, he just trying to impress you, nothing else trust me," said Ayan with furiously.

"Why should I trust you Ayan"? I don't even know you so better you stay away from me. As Jhummi completed her lines Ayan pulled her close to his chest."Everything which is related to you matters for me as he said and he put his face in her neck. Jhummi closed her eyes as she is feeling butterflies in her stomach and her heart was pounding like a drum. She was taking her steps back until her back touched the wall and Ayan caged her in his arms. This is one last time when I m reminding you, not warning you, stay away from him.

"This is my fucking life, you are no one to tell me what to do or what to not, you can't order me, you get that," said Jhummi with angry voice. As Jhummi said these lines Ayan saw in her angry eyes and got more close to her and she closed her eyes, He cupped her face and made her look in his eyes. He roamed his fingers on her face and put the flix behind her ear.

Her breath stuck in her throat as he put his lips on hers, his kiss was so pure, as he kissed her so passionately, he was so lost in that kiss, there was no lust in his eyes, there was only affection. As he finished his kiss, Jhummi opened her eyes with again the feeling of uneasiness. Her heart was still beating so fast and she could still feel butterflies in her stomach.

"I dare you if I saw you again near him, every time when I would see you with him or near him, I'll kiss you so hard all the time, and you'll not forbid me, just like now and just like before. He kissed her cheek and said, "take care baby, see you"!!!

Ayan left her alone there and went out. Ayan's words were ringing in her ears like DJ, I'll kiss you every time, as she hears again the words, a blush appeared on her face and she put her both hands on her face and smiled so brightly.

Jhummi's phone ranged and she came out from her thoughts and Ayan's words, as she was lost in her own world. It was a call from Abhimanyu who was waiting for her on practice, Jhummi's mind again took her to Ayan's words as she saw Abhimanyu's number, she roamed her head here and there and answered the call.

"where are you?? I am waiting for the last fifteen minutes for you at court, asked Abhimanyu genuinely. I am coming in five minutes said Jhummi and cut the call.