Jhummi quickly changed her clothes and went to court, she saw Abhimanyu was practicing with Shrishti. As she saw him, Ayan's word came in her mind that Abhimanyu didn't help her, he was lying, but Jhummi didn't ask her anything, she just waved at him and he smiled shyly.

"What the fuck is wrong with him, he is behaving weird like I kiss him" thought Jhummi and decided to dismiss her thoughts. He was looking so exhausted, so Jhummi asked him, " I can practice with Shrishti, you look so tired, you can take rest for a while"?? "No no I am fine and I am actually habitual to this, I can practice all day, so don't worry about me, let's start our practice," said Abhimanyu being casual. Both practiced approx one hour and "I am tired so we'll continue it tomorrow" said Jhummi.

"Do you want something to drink or anything?" asked Abhimanyu but Jhummi shook her head and said thanks to him. Jhummi did what Ayan told her, she didn't reply to his any of flirty talks and she was trying to be natural. Jhummi went cafe and call Suhani, Suhani was attending the lecture but as she got the call she left the class without watching at the direction of the teacher she ran outside.

Suhani went cafe with laughing and pat and Jhummi, " you know I left class and teacher was staring me like I killed someone but I ignored him and ran towards you" said Suhani and both laughed hard."How was your practice and why you came early today"?

Asked Suhani, it was pretty good and I just got tired and I was missing you so much said Jhummi in a funny tone. Aww you missed me baby, so here I am, let's go somewhere then, said Suhani with teasing tone. Let's go to my home and watch some romantic movies, and you can also have pizza and fries, what say?? Jhummi made an excited face and nods in agreement.

Jhummi felt someone was staring her, as she turned her head left Ayan was staring her continuously as Jhummi saw him, he gives her flying kiss and Suhani noticed that but she didn't say anything at that time, as Jhummi saw him kissing, she teased him and showed him her tongue and quickly walk out with Suhani.

Jhummi went Suhani's home and everyone greeted Jhummi, Suhani's mother hugged her and cares for her head. They both went to Suhani's room. "First we will see my favorite movie," said Jhummi in excitement."Ya ya I know, fine we will see first "Twilight sparkle," said Suhani in teasing tone."You promised me we'll eat pizza, now you have to buy me pizza" said Jhummi in childish tone with the most innocent face of hers.

"Of course I remember the baby and I already ordered it, so you have to wait a while you gourmand," said Suhani hitting her head. After this we'll see "vampire diaries" too said Jhummi and then "Harry potter" okay said Suhani."Why don't you do a night out today, call Neel and tell him that you are staying here tonight", and it's long time we didn't spend that much time together, Suhani said with a pleaded tone and made most cute face? Jhummi nods in agreement and called Neel."I am staying at Suhani's place today, please have dinner on time and take care of yourself" said Jhummi as Neel picked the call. "Okay you can stay there, but be safe and take care too, bye see you said Neel and cut the call.

Ayan was smiling like a fool, he was watching in the direction as she left, Raghav hit his head so that he can come out in reality." what the fuck, why you hit my head"? Asked Ayan with gritting teeth. You know Ayan you are behaving like a lovesick puppy, you fucking like her and stalking her, and when I ask you what is the truth, you say me a new lie.

"What is truth Ayan, tell me right now?? Asked Raghav, do you like her if not then why you stalk her, why you stare her all the time."I don't like her, I just want to get revenge on her, because of her, I lost in my life first time, so I m just trying to trap her, I don't like her at all, so come on let's chill, said Ayan with an evil smile on his lips.

"What the hell you are saying Ayan ?? You are trying to trap her, you don't like her, she is not like that Ayan, she is so innocent just like an angel, I request you don't play mind games with her, she is so far from your thoughts, so you better let her go", said Raghav with mixed emotions.

"Why the fuck you are attached to her that much Raghav, you fucking never talked to her, stop going for her Raghav, you can't have her and I don't want to get you hurt because of her, so better if you stay away from her and don't think too much about her, you are my best friend, not hers.

Ayan was hell upset with his best friend's confession, Ayan knows that Raghav likes Jhummi from the first day, but he didn't tell him that what happened between his and Jhummi, he didn't tell him that his heart beats so fast when he sees her, he never told him, his veins come out in anger when he saw her with someone else, he never told that his heart was clenching in pain when saw her hugging that Abhimanyu, he always tried to ignore his feelings but he can't control when he sees her, he knows that she is so pure like an angel, he didn't tell him that the kiss with her was his life's most unforgettable kiss, it was so magical. He never kissed any girl willingly, every girl tries their luck on him. This is the first time when he is feeling like this when his heart wants to stuck on one girl, the most beautiful girl in the whole universe and he could never let her go ever.