Ayan was so lost in these thoughts he didn't realize his phone was ringing continuously. It was Raghav who was calling."Hello, where the hell are you"? Asked Raghav as Ayan picked up the call."I m home, say what happened? Asked Ayan, nothing I just wanted to be with you so I m coming to you, said Raghav, and cut the call. Don't know why but Ayan don't want to show his new gift to Raghav so before Raghav comes, Ayan hides the gift and the card.

After 20 minutes later Raghav came with pizza and beer, it's Ayan's favorite food. As Ayan saw his favorite food, he snatched it from his hand and said "love you buddy", thanks for this. It's for me too, you have to share this", said Raghav hitting Ayan's head."Are you alright"?? You are looking upset, something happened?? You can tell, you know right, said Raghav in a curious tone, he can read Ayan's face and he found that something was not good with him. There is nothing, I am just thinking about the tournament it's next week and I am not so focused on it, and you know this is so important for me."Just take a chill buddy, you'll rock the tournament, you have done so much hard work and practice, I am very sure, everything will pay you back", said Raghav for cheering up Ayan.

Days were passing so fast, and everyone was busy at practice. The coach didn't allow to take leave anyone. Everyone was doing hard work, none of them attend the lectures or any other activities, "you can attend everything after the tournament, but now you guys have to focus on this and only this", said the coach to everyone.

Due to practice Jhummi and Suhani couldn't spend time together, Suhani was missing Jhummi so much. Its the first time when they are missing each other so much. Jhummi decided to surprise Suhani. After practice Jhummi went pizza hub and bought burgers and fries for Suhani. Jhummi called Neel and told him that she'll stay at Suhani's place tonight, because of practice they couldn't meet.

Jhummi booked a cab and went to Suhani's place. Suhani's mother opened the door for her, she was so happy to see Jhummi there at evening. Suhani's sister Saloni hugged Jhummi.

Jhummi went in Suhani's room, Suhani was lying on the bed in the opposite direction, she couldn't see Jhummi, Jhummi slowly stepped inside and surprised her, Suhani's reaction was priceless, she jumped in happiness, she hugged her and kissed her cheeks. She was so happy to see her here."You are staying here with me tonight, oh god I missed you so much baby", said Suhani with so much excitement."Yes baby! I am staying here tonight, and guess what, I bring your favorite food" said Jhummi as she went to change her clothes."You bring fries for me, I love you, baby, thank you so much, I was missing this food so much as you know me."Okay now come on let's eat. And then I have a lot to talk to you", said Suhani. "Tell me how is your practice going",? Asked Suhani, "It's pretty good, although I got really tired, still it's all worth it for my performance in the tournament, said Jhummi.

And you know what, Ayan is ignoring me, he is avoiding eye contact with me and when I go near him, he leaves that place, all these things of him, making me so annoying Suhani, why he is doing like this all of sudden??

Asked Jhummi with an annoying tone."Maybe he wants to focus on the tournament like you are doing, first, you ignored him and avoided him, now he is doing the same then why you are being angry baby, he is just giving you, your own medicine said Suhani with most teasing tone.

The day after tomorrow is the biggest day for me, I'll focus only on that, after the tournament, I'll show him very well, how to ignore and how to avoid it. He doesn't know me well, he told me that I should stay away from Abhimanyu and all boys, now he'll see who I am.

If it's really matters for him or if he doesn't want to see me with Abhimanyu then I'll make him jealous that much, that he'll forgive how to ignore. Ahaan!! It seems like you can't tolerate his ignorance baby, you like him that much, not bad huh, Suhani teased Jhummi and the cutest blush appeared on her face.

You know everything, I like him but I just want to keep a distance from him, although I don't want to lose him, still his presence makes me uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see him, he just can't ignore me like this. When he comes near me, my stomach feels butterflies, and my heart starts beating fast like a drum, my voice gets stuck in my throat and my body becomes rigid, I couldn't help myself being like this Suhani, and I just can't behave like this, all this symptoms is not good for my career and that is why I wanted to avoid him, but now when he is ignoring me, my heart couldn't accept it and without any reason, all his actions are making me angry, said Jhummi in shattered voice.

"Hey, it's okay baby, its not your fault right, I know you so well, I know you liked him a lot, but your brain is not allowing you for open your heart's door for him, and trust me, baby, I am not saying you are wrong or anything, but I just wanted to say that can't you give him a chance?? I don't know why but the first time I think that he really likes you, Look I am not defending his playboy personality, but when I saw in his eyes, there was something genuine for you, still, it's up to you, you can think what you want to do with him, but all this shit after the tournament.