Both girls were talking till midnight. It's too much fun right, spending a night with your best friend."I m hungry again, you have to bring me something, I can't sleep with a hungry stomach", said Jhummi and made a puppy face."Amm what about Maggie", asked Suhani?"Excellent idea, love you", said Jhummi, do you need my help, she continued? "It's not a big deal baby, you stay here, I'll be back in 10 minutes said Suhani and closed the door. Jhummi was lying on the bed and started Instagram, Ayan's I'd was showing in her suggestions, she opened his I'd, she must say Ayan is so popular on social media as well as in reality. Jhummi was checking out his I'd and her eyes were staring his pictures like he is standing in front of her.

"He is so hot and dazzling," her mind told her and her heart was pounding. Jhummi didn't realize that when Suhani came inside and she was watching her, and trying to control herself laughing. As Jhummi noticed Suhani, she quickly closes her phone and sat on the bed and trying to explain something but she couldn't speak anything."Woohoo, you are stalking him on Insta, he is so hot huh", Suhani teased Jhummi."No, actually his I'd was just showing in my suggestions, so I accidentally open it, nothing else", said Jhummi.

"Huh huh, leave, I bring Maggie with cold coffee, eat fast and then sleep, you have to go on practice tomorrow", said Suhani, and Jhummi nods. The next morning Jhummi woke up at 9 am and quickly took a shower and got ready for practice. She told Suhani to come with her, so after practice, they could be together. Suhani's mother called them for breakfast, and she wished Jhummi for her tournament. Suhani went to the library for an issue some books and Jhummi went for practice, the coach was waiting for her arrival. After three hours of practice, the coach allowed them to go, and he instructed them for tomorrow. Jhummi and Suhani were together till evening and Suhani dropped her home.

Neel came to Jhummi's room, she was scrolling her phone, as she saw Neel she sat on the bed. Neel asked her about her practice and tournament, he told her that he'll also come tomorrow for her match. Jhummi slept early that morning night because this tournament was so important for her. Next day Jhummi woke up early and got ready, she checked her phone, there were two missed calls of Suhani, she called her back and told her that she is coming in 20 minutes, when she came out of her room, Neel was already waiting for her on the sofa, as she came down both went to college.

As Jhummi reached college, Jhummi's college name poster was on the front wall, MST college. Neel wished her all the best and Suhani also wished her good luck with a hug, she saw Ayan was watching in her direction, and very slowly when no one was watching him, he whispered all the best in her ears, as he came close to her, her heartbeat got fast and she quickly went to the coach.

There was half an hour left for the tournament start. The coach was giving instructions to everyone and all players were focused on the coach. The tournament started and the principal gave a five-minute speech. After that match began and the first match was between The Queen's College and The MST college. The player named Shakshi came from The Queen's College, and from The MST college, the coach sends Shrishti, she was hell upset. Everyone wished her all the best and she forced a smile. Sakshi was quite nervous too but she maintained a smile on her face. Shrishti was doing well but the opponent was strong, MST college was cheering for her, the score was 8-9. Shrishti was trying hard to keeping balance but Shakshi made a quick shot and Shrishti missed the shot. First-round ended and The Queens won it.

Shrishti was so disappointed with her own performance, as she came out from the court, tears were rolling down from her cheeks, she started crying so badly, as the coach came to console her, she burst into more tears. And this time Abhimanyu came to her, he wipes her tears like a good friend and hugged her to console her, but Shrishti's heart was beating so fast, he hugged her so sudden, she couldn't believe it, only she knows how many times she craved for this. But this was not the right time. She came out of her fantasies and saw the reality that her college lost the first round because of her.

The next round was between The SDP college and The Queen's College. Both players were physically fit and dashing. The cheer girls were dancing and cheering for them. As the match started the player of SDP college made a fast shot and the queens college missed the first shot, everyone saw the disappointment on queens colleges' faces. But after that both were giving tough competition to each other, the match was going well with 6-9 score, but the match got a u-turn and the SDP college which was with 6 scores, continuously hit three fast shots and made the opponent freeze at his spot. and with the one last shot, SDP college won the match. The Queen's college was very upset as they lost in the second round, which means they cant participate in the final round. Jhummi and Shrishti were happy because now they don't have to compete with Queens college.

The next round was between The MST college and The CET college. it was now Jhummi's turn from the MST college and there was a tall boy from CET college who was giving cheap smiles to Jhummi, his name was Vishal and he was very famous for his quick shots. Ayan was so tensed and restless for Jhummi, but he didn't show his emotions, he noticed that creepy smiles of his, but he cheered Jhummi so loud that everyone turned their heads in his direction, but he ignored everyone. The match began and both players were playing so smoothly with maintaining balance. and suddenly he made a quick shot and mistakenly Jhummi missed the first shot.