As Jhummi entered in his house, she roamed her eyes in his house, it was so attractive and captive, it was not big like a mansion, but a small, well decorated and a beautiful house, it was not dirty as boys hostels or like other boys rooms, she was really impressed with him, "if you are done with staring my house, then my room is on your left-hand side, upstairs", said Ayan, "but what I'll wear, I can't wear your clothes", said Jhummi and Ayan laughed, "I know, babe, just come with me", said Ayan and Jhummi followed him, Jhummi went in Ayan's room and her eyes widen to see the beauty of his room, it was designed in a black interior with black curtains, it was so pretty, "it's beautiful right, I personally designed my room", said Ayan and Jhummi just nodded.

Ayan opened a wardrobe and Jhummi can't help but stare, that was full of beautiful girl's dresses, Ayan picked a beautiful black gown for her and gave to her, "there is the bathroom, take a shower and changed your clothes", said Ayan and left her alone, Jhummi wanted to ask him a lot of questions, but he closed the door and left her.

Jhummi went into Ayan's washroom and locked it, damn it was so beautiful with a big bathtub, there was a wall clock too in his bathroom, Jhummi filled the tub with warm water and removed her wet clothes, she felt so relaxed in the tub, she didn't realize when she fell asleep, after 35 minutes Jhummi opened her eyes and her gaze fell on the watch, she seriously took a nap in the bathtub, "oh god what the hell is wrong with me, how could I do that", said Jhummi to herself and hit her head, she quickly came out from the tub and wore the dress, it was properly fit her, seems like it was her size, she saw herself in the mirror and she put her both hands on her mouth, she was looking beyond beautiful, the dress was something more than incredible, she was feeling like a barbie or a princess, she came out from the bathroom and combed her wet hair.

Ayan knocked on the door and Jhummi tell him to come in, although it was Ayan's room, still, he respects her privacy, Ayan's breath stopped for a second as he saw Jhummi, she was looking breathtaking, he couldn't stop staring her for even once, "will you please stop staring me Ayan", said Jhummi with narrow eyes, " why the hell you are roaming without t-shirt", said Jhummi as she was staring him too, his six packs are dreams of so many girls, "I'll return this dress to you tomorrow", said Jhummi and tried to see into a different direction, Ayan was still watching her, "this is my house and I am free to do anything", said Ayan with a smirk on his face.

Jhummi's nostrils filled with a known aroma, she didn't see in Ayan's direction and went down, she saw the dining table, there was white pasta with hot coffee on the table, Jhummi could never compromise with her hunger, she loves food so much, she didn't wait for Ayan and started eating like she was starving from years, it was so yummy, Ayan came down and saw her, she was eating like a little kid, without any tension on the face, Ayan liked her this side a lot comparison than an arrogant, high attitude girl, Ayan joined her on the table and started eating his food, Jhummi didn't speak anything during eating, as she finished her food, "it was hell yummy, from which restaurant you ordered it", asked Jhummi and Ayan glare in her direction, "I didn't order it, I made it for you because you like pasta a lot", said Ayan and Jhummi get shocked, "oh my god, you made it, it was the best pasta of my life, you are really good cook, i must say", said Jhummi and Ayan smiled, "but how do you know that i like pasta this much", asked Jhummi with confused face, "i just know it", said Ayan and walked in the kitchen with empty plates for wash them, "I'll wash them", said Jhummi but Ayan didn't let her do that, "no need, I'll do that, you can take some rest until i take a shower, then I'll drop you home", said Ayan and Jhummi just nods, Jhummi lie down on the couch and fell asleep again.

Neel knocked on the door but Suhani didn't reply him so he just headed inside the room and find Suhani was still in the bathroom, Neel made sandwiches for her with special tea, as he was putting the tray on the table, Suhani came out form the bathroom with a towel wrapped on her body, she was muttering a song, but she immediately stopped as she saw Neel there if there would be someone else at the place of Neel Suhani would definitely scream loud, but now she didn't scream, he was staring her, her milk-white skin was exposing, Suhani was blushing so hard, she quickly picked the dress from the bed and ran inside the bathroom again, Neel couldn't stop blushing, he roamed his finger in his hair and a cute smile appeared on his face, Suhani wore the dress and came out, thank god Neel was not here or it would be hard for her to face him, she dried her hair and make a pony of her hair, she applied a lip gloss and boom, she was ready, Neel came back with a bowl of sugar and spoon, he saw Suhani and smiled again, "you are looking so pretty", said Neel and Suhani smiled and look down, "this color really suits you", Neel continued, "thank you", said Suhani and Neel served her tea, "this is my special sandwiches, i made it for you", said Neel and Suhani picked one sandwich from the plate which Neel offers her, "it is really yummy, i liked it a lot", said Suhani and picked another sandwich, she also loves food more than anything.

Ayan came down from stairs in a black t-shirt and dark blue jean, he saw Jhummi was sleeping on the couch, he went near her and put his hand on her shoulder and she woke up, "I am sorry I slept again but it is because of rain", said Jhummi, "if you want you can sleep here, I'll drop you home in the evening", said Ayan but Jhummi quickly shook her head, "no-no, I m complete fine, drop me now", said Jhummi, Ayan didn't tell her anything, "come, we are leaving", then he said and Jhummi quickly got up from the couch.