Suhani finished her breakfast soon, she was feeling so sleepy, she already told her mom that she is at Jhummi's place and she will return home after evening, "have you talked to Jhummi, where is she, she is still in college or what"?? Asked Neel to Suhani, " actually I don't know if she is in college or not, after morning I didn't call her, and when I came here, I saw she forgot her phone home", said Suhani with a down face, "it's okay, she would be college, she'll come soon, don't worry", said Neel, " until she comes, you go in her room and have some rest" Neel continued and Suhani nods, she was already feeling down and sleepy, she went in Jhummi's room and lie down on the bed, as she lies down, she fell asleep. Neel closed the door of her room and went down, he was worried for Jhummi, so instead of sleeping, he was waiting for her.

Ayan locked the door of his house and took out the car from his garage, Jhummi sat in the car, and Ayan started driving, Jhummi's house is in the opposite direction of Ayan's home, Jhummi was feeling so nervous, she was wearing a beautiful dress, it was definitely expensive, she was thinking what she'll say to Neel if he would be at home and ask her about this, she can't lie to him, Jhummi can't lie easily and whenever she tries, Neel catches her lie in a minute. "Are you alright, what are you thinking and why the hell you are nervous", asked Ayan, nervousness was clearly visible on Jhummi's face. " Nothing I was just thinking, I was thinking nothing, you tell me that who is your girlfriend"?? Jhummi asked him and instantly changed the topic, Ayan understand that she doesn't want to answer him, but he gives her a confused look, "I am single", said Ayan with narrow eyes, "why did you ask it", he continued. "obviously, I am not blind, if you are single then why you have a wardrobe of girls dresses huh" asked Jhummi and Ayan smiled, "why should I tell you that huh, it's my secret" said Ayan and stopped the car, "why did you stop the car", asked Jhummi, "because we reached already", said Ayan and Jhummi watched outside the window, and yes she was at her house, "but I didn't tell you my address, then how did you know that", Jhummi asked in surprise, "I just know it", said Ayan, "you are just hard to understand, how the hell you know everything, will you please explain" said Jhummi but Ayan just smiled and shook his head, " Arhh you are unbeleivable", said Jhummi in angry tone, "you wanna come to my house", she continued, but Ayan shook his head in deny, "I'll come, but next time for sure, goodbye", said Ayan and left with a smile. Jhummi wants to stop him but she was just staring at his car till the end of the street.

Jhummi turned her head and saw Neel was standing at the door, he was staring in Jhummi's direction, all the smile vanished from Jhummi's face, her face got pale and she was thinking that what she will tell him, Jhummi started a walk in her home's direction with slow steps, she was feeling so down, Jhummi's legs were trembling and Neel came to her and hold her, he took her inside and she sat on the sofa, "where were you, and you forgot your phone here, why the hell you are this careless Jhummi", "you know how worried I was", said Neel and Jhummi started feeling guilty, "I am so sorry Neel, but its all your fault, you took the car and because of you I was late today and in hurry, I forgot the phone and then it started raining, what was my fault", said Jhummi, she was thinking now Neel will ask her about Ayan for sure because he saw Ayan drop her.

"So, said Neel, "so what", asked Jhummi, "who was he", Neel finally asked, and all colors from her face vanished, "who?? asked Jhummi, "you know very well Jhummi, about whom I am asking you, he was something different, I must say, he was so good looking, and I don't know why but his face was seeming known", asked Neel, now with a serious expression, "who was he, who drop you", he continued, "oh he, he was just a friend, actually, I couldn't find a cab, so he dropped me", said Jhummi. "then why I never have seen him before, nor I heard from you about him ever, and since when you have male friends", asked Neel with narrow eyes, "and this dress, it is really beautiful and looking so pretty, from where it came", asked Neel. "This, actually in the morning I got wet and my friend Sneha, she gave me this dress", Jhummi lied, "but why she gave you this dress, she could give you something casual, it's looking really expensive and partywear", asked Neel again, "uff, what is wrong with you Neel, you are asking too many questions, I am so tired now, I need to some rest", said Jhummi and stood up from the sofa, "and you are looking tired too, have some rest", she continued, before Neel stops her, she went upstairs and open the door of her room, she switches on the light of her room and saw Suhani was sleeping on her bed, but as Jhummi opens the light she woke up and sit straight on the bed, "Hey, you are here, you are looking so down, are you okay", asked Jhummi in concern tone.

"Chill, I am fine, where the hell were you, and I'll kill you if next time you forgot your phone ever, you know I was thinking about you, you didn't inform me that where were you and were you in the college or not, this type of behavior is really not acceptable", said Suhani in scolding way, "and oh my gosh, this dress, it's so pretty Jhummi, you are looking damn hot, sexy and beautiful, I don't have words to describe your beauty", said Suhani in excitement, "okay okay enough, I know it's beautiful but I'll return him this dress tomorrow", said Jhummi and looked down, "Him?? who?? oh my god!! Ayan, "what happened, how did he give you this dress, tell me everything in details, I am so curious", said Suhani in an excited tone.