"I left home for college and I was walking on the road, but God knows from where Ayan comes and he told me that he will drop me, I deny him but he said today is a taxi strike and I can't walk till college, so I was coming to the college with him, but then in the middle of the way, it started raining, and you know right how much I love rain, so I got wet, but it was too much fun, then he didn't let me come home with wet clothes, so I went to his home, his house was so beautiful, and his bathroom was also beautiful, and you know I slept in the bathtub, then he give me this dress, and you know, he has a wardrobe full of beautiful dresses, so he chose this dress for me, and he made white pasta for me, that was hell yummy, and now he dropped me home, and Neel saw him", said Jhummi in one single breath.

"Oh my god, you went his home, and took a shower in his bathroom, amazing, tell me more", said Suhani, "and you know, I didn't tell Ayan my address but he directly dropped me here, and he used to tell me, I just know, all the time, whenever i ask him that how does he knows all this", said Jhummi and made a sad face, "wow, he knows everything about you, I really think that he has a feeling for you, otherwise who else do this for any girl", said Suhani, "and you know he said that he is single, but when I ask him about this dress, he didn't tell me, he said it is a secret", said Jhummi with a sad face, "why are you thinking that much stupid, maybe he has a sister or cousin, and he said he is single, why would he lie"?? said Suhani, "hmm, maybe you are right, you tell me when did you come here, and how", asked Jhummi and Suhani become quiet, a smile appeared on her face as she recalled today's incidents, Jhummi instantly understand that she came here with Neel, "hey, stop smiling like this and tell me fast", said Jhummi and hit her head.

"Actually, Neel came to drop my college, but as we crossed my street, it started raining and I didn't want to go college in this awesome weather, Neel tried to stop me but I didn't listen to him and went out in the rain, and I got cold, so Neel brings me here, he said my mom will get angry or upset with me if she sees me like this, so I told my mom that I am at your place and I'll come home after evening", said Suhani and smiled. "Hmm wow, that means we both enjoyed the rain a lot, but this time not together", said Jhummi with a smile on her face," I am feeling so sleepy, need asleep]], said Jhummi and Suhani nods, "same here, lets sleep", said Suhani and both slept.

Neel locked the door and went to sleep in his room, he was also tired today, his mother comes home after 6 in the evening and she has extra key of the house, so Neel could sleep freely.

Ayan parked his car back in his garage and opens the door of his house, he came to his room and lie down to his bed, he started thinking about Jhummi, she was looking beautiful, more than beautiful, that black dress was fitting her properly, but he reminds the question she asked, why he has this wardrobe, this secret he never told anyone, whenever he gets a letter or card and a gift from the unknown girl, he used to imagine her and buys a dress for her every time when he thinks about her, now he have to buy another dress for her because he gave one dress to Jhummi, and that was his favorite dress, but he don't know why he chose that dress for her, she was looking a pure angel in that dress, but he believes that the girl sends him gifts and card is more beautiful than Jhummi, she would be the prettiest girl in the world, thought Ayan and fell asleep, after two hours, Ayan's phone was ringing, he was still in the sleep but he picked the phone, "hello, said Ayan, "open the door goddammit, i am waiting outside from last half an hour", yelled Raghav on the phone call.

Ayan rubbed his eyes and went to open the door, Raghav was standing there with an angry face, "where the hell were you??? "You know how many times I called you, were you unconscious or what"?? Asked Raghav and pushed him and went inside in his home. "What the hell is wrong with you, you didn't tell me that you were coming, how would I know that", said Ayan with an annoying face.

Raghav didn't reply to him anything, he went directly into his room and sat on the bed, "why the hell you are behaving like an angry bull, what the hell I did wrong", asked Ayan and a took a can of beer from Raghav's hand, "why the hell you didn't came college today when you know very well that after so many days I am coming to the college, and you didn't answer my calls, may I ask you where the hell were you"??? Asked Raghav and Ayan becomes quiet, "now why you became a statue, answer me, where were you", Raghav asked again, "I was feeling not well today, so I was just sleeping", Ayan lied, "feeling not well, why, what happened", asked Raghav and Ayan just nodded, "nothing just a little headache, nothing else", said Ayan and took a sip from his can.

Raghav got up from the bed and wearing the slippers, "where are you going", asked Ayan, "can't you see that going to washroom", said Raghav and Ayan nods, as Raghav was opening the door Ayan's mind hit him hard, he forgets that Jhummi forgot her clothes here before Ayan could stop him, he headed inside and locked the door, after five minutes Raghav came out with genuine expressions and Ayan took a breath in relief, Ayan knows if Raghav get to know that Ayan took Jhummi home today, he will definitely go into fine details, so he decides that he will not tell him about Jhummi's arrival, but it's Ayas's bad luck I guess, Raghav went again inside the washroom and saw her clothes, they were hanging behind the door, Raghav was just staring them and then staring Ayan's face, Ayan was thinking what to do now, in anxiety he drank the whole can in one breath, Raghav came out from the washroom and kicked Ayan so hard, Ayan fell on the ground and scream loud in the pain,"now better if you tell me the truth", said Raghav and give his hand to him to get up.