"Hey, how are you", he asked, and I was just thinking what to say, he was sounding so casual, as he did not know what he did, and I am angry, 

"I am fine", I said, and again waited for him to speak something sensible, 

"You did not call me since morning, and nor did any message", he said after a small pause, 

Wow, fabulous, after ignoring me for a whole day, and also after hanging up on me like that, he is saying to me that I did not message him or call him, Is he really innocent or just pretending to be a fool, 

"Oh, I did not, maybe I forget to do", I said, as I was getting angrier, 

"Really, how could you forget me like that", he said as I could feel a little weirdness in his words, 

"Just like you did Ayan", I said, 

"What, I was waiting for your call", he said, 

"Oh, I was doing the same", I said and I heard him taking deep breaths,