"Let us eat some ice cream", she whispered in my ear, 

"What", I asked, as I was a little confused, 

"What, what, after having a sad face for a whole day, you just smiled, so let us have some ice cream for our good mood", she said hitting me on the shoulder for no reason, 

"Amm, okay, let us go", I said and she laughed and jumped, 

"You are crazy Suhani", I said as I saw she was being just like a small kid, 

"Oh, just like you, right", she said and teased me, 

"Wait, you want to eat the ice cream which is in the fridge, or we should go out for it and then we will call Neel too, it would be fun, what say", she asked, 

"Amm, Suhani, why do not you bring the ice cream in your room", I said and sat down on the bed, and she glared me with her pretty eyes, trying to be angry, and failed, this thought made me chuckle a little,