Lin Chuan reincarnates by becoming the ancestor of the chakra of the world of culture. Can't I beat you with the byakugan? no worries i have the sharingan and if you are worthy i will use the tenseigan.I can also play mysterious with my 6 Pain bodies ------------------ It's not my job at all, i just really liked the story but the sites that publish this novel are nasty to read, i'm not trying to claim merit, i just want to share this fan-fict with others. it's a huge copy and paste. if the original author sees this if he wants me to delete it i will do it right away. For those who are interested there will be romance but the MC will have only one woman for a very long time and I do not know if he will have a second but it will be necessary to wait after the 1000 chapters because I am there and he still haven't had one
Well how do I out it basically its your typical xianxia story cultivation + mc with power of Otsusuki from Naruto which only appear for the sake of Click-bait for naruto fans. Nothing special here except everyone beside mc and his love interest is either *****, arrogant young master or greedy old master. The plot is all about other people underestimate MC then he face slapping them with his so called Divine Fruut power. Also Author make a big Mistake it wasnt Sage of Six Path who create Ninjutsu, it was Indra otsusuki the one who create Hand Seal / Ninjutsu. Not gonna complain for the MTL quality translation since theres even wirse fanfic with nonsense capslock disaster writing level so yeah.
Story looks great but the translation is unreadable. Dont bother trying to read it
Trashy language impossible to read Trashy language impossible to read Trashy language impossible to read Trashy language impossible to read
Another MC bully to death by his own clan but still crawl back to rejoin the clan after rebirth ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I haven't read this **** in a long time ууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу
First time ever i read a fanfic where the mc reincarnates to a world of cultivation with naruto powers. I find it quite new, well at least for me cause this is the first time i ever read one of these. maybe there are billions out there and it's just me that didn't find them- Anyways I was really desapointed by the story development. the first few chapters were OK, but then.....idk what happened...the story became forced and the author started bullshi*****.........and yeah Final evaluation:1.4(- 3stars for the world background,although it's cliché, it was good.....i guess? Anyways I like the cultivation worlds so....... - well, 1star for everything else)
Reveal Spoiler
ty . .