The wood and leather was perfectly preserved. It looked to be in amazing condition. My heart started to pound. I must keep digging until I reach the full tool. I used the rock to hack and hack away at the dirt, which crept under my fingernails. But I didn't care. More metal was revealed with every scrape of the rock.
I decided this was enough. With all my might, I grabbed the leather on the wooden handle and pulled. I pulled so hard, but it wouldn't budge. No. Nothing like this would stop me. It couldn't. I took a deep breath and yanked at the strange tool. In a couple of seconds, I found myself falling backwards. Like in the dream. Except this time I hit the ground. Hard. Ow.
I shook my head and blinked a couple of times. Then, I noticed it. The strange tool was out of the ground, lying in front of me. It was a blacksmith's hammer. Basically, it looked like a hammer with a head on each end. I could have held the metal part in my hand. The metal was preserved as well.
I took a closer look at the hammer. It had a symbol on both sides of it. The symbol was an oval typed on its side. It was a fat oval. Within the oval, there were two detailed arrows crossing each other and pointing upwards. The arrows were detailed. They had pointy heads and feathers on the ends. The entire metal hammer part was black with a silver shine.
Just looking at it was fascinating. I couldn't help myself as I reached for the hammer. My hand clasped around the leather. It felt rough. I began to lift the hammer from the ground. It was heavy. Not just a little heavy. Extremely heavy. How? The hammer was quite small. There was no way I could hold this above my head with a steady arm.
Slowly, I set the hammer down. That was a relief. I could help but feel I was drawn to the strange tool. Maybe it was the symbol. A tingling sensation crept along the tips of my fingers. My arm practically pulled me along. I touched the hammer.
The hammer still shines to this day. I often run my fingers over the engraved symbols. They remind me of who I am. Who I always should have been.