The hammer didn't feel cold. It should have. But it didn't. The hammer felt slightly warm, like someone had been holding it. You could say the ground was holding it, but the ground is slightly cold.
I had touched the very center of the symbol. It felt smooth. Then it hit me. This was not the first time I had seen the symbol. I had not seen this symbol in the dream. Never. This symbol was a memory from a long time ago. A time I couldn't remember.
I had touched the symbol on the hammer for no more than a moment. So much information. So much confusion. So much curiosity.
Something was happening. I began to feel incredibly warm. The warmth was glowing. My body was glowing. The glow crept onto the ground beside me. I should have been scared, but I couldn't help being fascinated by what what happening. The glow spread all around me. It swallowed the grass, the flowers, the trees.
Soon there was nothing left around me but the glow and the hammer. The hammer. I was still touching the hammer. The symbol underneath my finger was glowing. Only the symbol. The rest of the hammer looked normal. And...well preserved. What was this light? What was it doing?
I felt a chill. No not a chill. It was wind. Wind. Wind? It grew stronger. Now it was blowing. My heartbeat thumped harder and louder. My finger was still on that hammer. I pulled it off... nothing changed. Oh no. This was not good. In an instant. I scrambled to my feet and took a few shaky steps forward. I couldn't even see the wind. It was too bright.
I needed to run. To get away. Which way? All I saw was light. A glowing light that I should have been afraid of. I didn't hit anything, but my head began to feel fuzzy. I was dizzy, I was spinning, I was falling back. Back and back and back. Ugh! I had collided with the ground. Hard.
My eyes felt droopy. I breathed heavily and my head tipped to the side. The hammer. It was sitting a few feet away from me.
I had experienced chills running up my spine countless times. However, I had had never experienced this feeling. It was like...warmth was running up my spine. Running through my entire body.