I couldn't help but feel like eye candy. People around me were whispering, but I couldn't comprehend what they were saying. So much noise.
Nicholas approached me with a smug grin and a microphone, which he handed to John. In exchange, John shoved me to Nicholas.
The brute pulled me onto the platform. Hands reached and grabbed at my feet. How classy. Nicholas response by stepping on his feet. He he.
Some chains emerged from behind Nicholas. He slipped some very droopy handcuffs onto my wrists and proceeded to chain me to a wooden post at the back of the platform. I could still see everyone, though. And they sure as heck still saw me.
Nicholas tapped the microphone.
"Shut up!" he screamed.
Everyone shut up. That is, for a few people.
"Three thousand!"
"Seven thousand!"
"Hold up!" John walked onto the stage with a microphone. "This little piece is going for ten thousand. However, I don't think you'll be disappointed. She's got a pretty face, shiny hair, and purple colored eyes. Yes, you heard me right."
The people in the crowd went crazy. John let out a satisfied chuckle.
"Calm down, folks. We aren't giving this little lady to just anyone. You have to earn here." Nicholas sounded much more professional now.
The crowd was full of anticipation.
John spoke up now. "You see that hammer? For just fifteen dollars, you can try and lift this hammer." He pointed at the hammer and the crowd followed his finger.
Can't believe the price had already been raised from ten to fifteen. Greedy.
"Whoever lifts it gets to keep the hammer as a souvenir." Nicholas was grinning like a crazy man.
John waited a few seconds and stepped forward. "You are also granted the opportunity to buy this piece for ten thousand dollars."
Everyone went ballistic. People were waving money in the air. John pointed out a man in the audience. The man ran up to the platform, threw his fifteen dollars at Nicholas, and grabbed at the hammer. The crowd watched patiently. I was doubtful. Nothing happened. The man looked confused and angry.
Soon, John said, "Your minute is over. Get off the platform. The man looked angry. For a second, I thought he was going to punch John. Instead, he walked off the stage, fists clenched.
With a charming smile and lots of teeth, Nicholas said, "Who's next?"
Hands shot up in the crowd. Someone would come up and try pulling the hammer. During the next hour and a half, the hammer remained in the red circle.
Eventually, a man who failed at lifting the hammer piped up. "It's connected to the floor!" he shouted angrily. The people in the crowd remained silent for a few moments. Some started to whisper to each other.
Connecting the hammer to the floor would rig the entire contest. An easy way to take money from gullible people. But now that people suspected the contest was rigged, John and Nicholas needed to prove it wasn't. After the people see what I can do, they'll only want me more.
John and Nicholas tried to calm the people. Nothing worked, and the crowd became angry. Nicholas walked over to me and removed the chains. He pushed me to the red circle where, with one hand, I lifted the hammer.
The people in the crowd fell silent. All eyes were on the mysterious, hammer-lifting, purple eyed girl. I took in a deep breath.
"Twenty thousand."
You know how some people prefer red apples over green ones or salt over pepper? Well, I prefer ropes over chains.