My eyes widened. Who has that much money available to just buy something with? John grabbed my arm and I dropped the hammer. It landed back in the red circle. The crowd looked shocked.
A man with blond hair and brown eyes emerged from the crowd. Two larger, muscular men followed behind him.
"Mr. Diablo!" Nicholas must have known the man. "I see you are interested in the merchandise. Unfortunately, we can't sell you the item unles-"
"Eon," John cut off Nicholas with gritted teeth. "We all know you have lots of money. The thing is, we are not ending this contest until someone lifts the hammer."
"Thirty thousand." Eon's voice was cold. John looked shocked. His grip on me eased.
The next few minutes were quite. Eon and John looked deeply into each other's gaze with barrels of hate. Finally, John lifted the microphone to his face.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is over."
People in the crowd let out cries of disapproval.
"This man has offered thirty thousand gold coins. That is three times the original price. Sorry, folks. Unless anyone is willing to offer a higher price, this item is sold."
The crowd looked angry once more. John and Nicholas walked to the edge of the stage making lots of hand motions.
Eon reached out and placed his hand under my chin. He tipped my head back and looked into my eyes.
"Beautiful." His voice was softer now, but it still scared me.
"What is your name?" Eon had folded his arms over his chest. He seemed like a strict man.
"Lumine." I sounded nervous. Eon must have sensed that, as he put his hands behind his back and softened his expression.
"Nineteen, but everyone thinks I am much older."
You can call me one of those people. Eon looked to be at least twenty-five Eon turned to look at the hammer. I decided to ask him a burning question.
"Why did you buy me?"
"Why not?"
"You didn't know anything about me."
"I knew you had abnormal purple eyes and could lift a mysteriously heavy hammer." Besides, I find you rather...enchanting."
Eon was being polite. Too polite. Maybe I could get away from him when the time was right.
Eon turned to face me again. "Grab the hammer. We are leaving."
I walked past Eon and retrieved the hammer.
One of the muscular men, probably Eon's bodyguard, took hold of me and led me towards the edge of the platform. Eon was in the jail scribbling something on a piece of paper.
He rushed out of the building without shutting the door. The bodyguard not holding me walked ahead of Eon. My bodyguard and I followed close behind.
The crowd was so angry and distracted that they didn't notice the four of us making our way to a carriage . It looked fancy. It suited Eon, being majorly rich and all. He probably spent more on me than the carriage.
Eon pulled me inside with him. The two bodyguards sat at the front of the carriage. I had just barely set the hammer on the ground when the carriage took off. I nearly fell out of my seat.
Eon peeked out the window. "Aw, crud!"
Gunshots. One. Two three. Five. Ten eleven. So many. I looked outside the carriage window. About twenty men on horses were chasing us. John and Nicholas were not among them.
Every gunshot sounded louder than the previous. Death was getting closer and closer. Eon looked terrified.
Who knew a blond man with hazel brown eyes could be so scary?