The Race to Diablo Manor

A few gunshots were coming from the front of the carriage. I felt a little reassurance knowing one of the bodyguards had a weapon.

Eon looked towards out the window and towards the front of the carriage.

I thought a bar fight was bad. Oh my, the carriage shooting proved to be much worse.

"Only ten minutes left. Then we will be home."

Eon tried to sound calm, but I could hear the fear in his voice.

Home. I would never go home or see my Auntie and Uncle ever again.

"Duck!" Eon panicked and shoved me to the floor. "Stay down!"

Blood trickled down my forehead. Had I been shot?! Eon screamed. He covered his left arm with his hand. Both had blood on them. Looking up, I realized someone had fired a bullet that had sliced right through the back of the carriage.

Right where my head was.

I wasn't sure if Eon has saved me from that bullet because he cared about me, or if he didn't want thirty-thousand gold coins going to waste. Why wasn't the currency dollars here? They were much lighter, and some were worth one hundred dollars. That would be easier to count than thirty thousand gold coins.

Eon was breathing heavily. His arm was not bleeding severely, but it looked very painful. The bullet had only sliced through the surface of his arm.

I looked down at my dress. It was sort of ugly and started to feel itchy.

So I ripped it.

I ripped off a long strip of fabric and leaned towards Eon.

"What are you doing?" Eon shot me a cold look.

"Give me your arm."

"What are you doing?!"

I grabbed Eon's arm hastily but as gently as I could. Eon pulled a knife from his pocket, but that didn't stop me. I wrapped his arm in the purple fabric carefully. The bumpy carriage did not make things easier.

Eon dropped the knife. He studied the wrap on his arm and looked out the carriage window. I looked at my feet.

"We're here!" Eon sounded relieved and nervous. I was just glad this was going to be over.

Eon was not the same person he was before. He didn't act formal and strict like before. I hardly knew this version of Eon. Would I ever see it again?

Looking out the carriage window, I could see large metal gates. They were connected to and endless wall of bricks. No way I could get over that.

The gates swung open. Someone must have seen us coming. I looked behind the carriage in surprise. The men had stopped before the closing gates, and a few were turning around. I had a strong feeling this wasn't going to blow over anytime soon.

However, those men didn't look like the wealthy ones waving around cash. They weren't like Eon. He spent thirty thousand gold coins and twenty minutes in a dangerous carriage ride so he could obtain a rare piece of art.

That was messed up.

Eon let out a sigh of relief. One of the bodyguards opened the carriage door. Eon stormed out and stood at the bottom of a large staircase. The other bodyguard took my hand and lead me to Eon.

His manor was amazingly large. It was made of bricks and was supported by large pillars. Someone could easily get lost in there. Escaping would be impossible.

I never knew why I wrapped Eon's arm. It wasn't like I had feelings for him. Eon had bought me like an animal at an auction. That was wrong. Messed up.