Questions. I still had many of my own. Maybe Eon had bought me because he thought I knew certain information.
Boy, was he wrong. I had only arrived in this world about, oh, two days ago.
Eon had changed his shirt. He did have a perfectly good reason to. I wouldn't want to wear something with dried blood on it.
"Lumine, what is your last name." Eon put a finger up to his chin and looked at me.
"Callastone. Quite strange where I come from."
Eon's eyes widened. He leaned over to me and inhaled deeply.
"Lumine, where do you come from."
I had no other idea how to say this so...
"I come from a different world. When I touched the symbol on that hammer, I was transported here. There was a glowing light."
Eon sat back. I probably sounded like a madwoman.
"Let me tell you a story about our world's history, Lumine. You have given me valuable information. I'm glad I found you when I did."
"What d-"
"Shush." Eon looked me dead in the eyes.
"Ever since the beginning of time, two spirits have roamed this world: the spirit of light and the spirit of darkness. Both if them provided light and darkness equally. The light spirit ruled the day and the darkness spirit ruled the night. Both were happy to watch over the world.
"However, the darkness spirit felt that no one appreciated its work. During the day, people would work and play under the light. When the darkness fell, all the people went into their homes and avoided the dark. Even the light spirit would take occasional periods of sleep during once darkness ruled.
"The darkness spirit figured if all light was destroyed, and darkness ruled all, the people would learn to appreciate the darkness and see its true beauty.
"So, the darkness spirit crept upon the light spirit while it was sleeping. The light spirit was weak when it slept. Just before the darkness spirit struck the light spirit, the light spirit awoke upon sensing the darkness spirit's presence.
"The light spirit was more powerful than the darkness spirit. However, the light spirit did not destroy the darkness spirit. If the balance between the two spirits was damaged, the world would fall into ruin.
"Stubborn was the darkness spirit. It refused to give up. Late at night, while the light spirit slept, the darkness spirit traveled to the palace. The world was ruled by beloved king and queen. They had given birth to a child a few months prior.
"The darkness spirit stole the child and made loud noises in the palace that woke up e every one inside. The darkness spirit demanded the light spirit give itself up so that the child may live.
"The light spirit tried to reason with the darkness spirit. Instead, the darkness spirit used magic to bring the king, queen, light spirit, Mage, and a few servants to the edge of the world. You see, Lumine, I this world is a large island in the sky.
"The darkness spirit threatened to cast the child over the edge. The light spirit pleaded with the darkness spirit, but it refused to stand down.
"Using all of its strength, the darkness spirit pushed itself to imprison the light spirit in a symbolic item. The darkness spirit then cast the child off the world and into the abyss below. Angered, the Mage cast a spell at the weekend spirit. It was meant to imprison the spirit as well. The darkness spirit used weak magic to travel away, but the Mage knew the spell followed through.
"In all the chaos, the light spirit, in its imprisonment, had been dropped over the edge of the world, just like the child.
"The Mage returned everyone else's back to the castle. They explained what had happened. Shortly after, everyone who had witnessed the terrible scene died of unknown causes. Presumably the darkness spirit's doing."
"But, how does day and night still occur in this world?" I questioned Eon.
"There is no way of knowing," Eon replied.
The more I learned about myself, the more fearful I became. I don't know if that's normal or not.