Revealing the Past

"Lumine, I think the child is you. The incident with the spirits happened nearly sixteen years ago. You would have been a couple of months old."

I didn't know what to say. This meant Auntie and Uncle weren't really... my Auntie and Uncle.

Eon continued, "There are only a few questions. How did you survive the fall? What is the hammer?"

"I don't know. The hammer brought me here. Maybe the Mage sent it down when no one was looking so it could bring me here when I touched the symbol."

"A symbol on the hammer? What is it?"

"It was an oval with two arrows inside. They were crossing each other and pointing up. Now that I think about it, the symbol was very scuffed up."

"Hm. Maybe the hammer the Mage sent down kept you alive from the fall."

"Our worlds are closer than they seem. Earth is below this island."

"Suvilla." Eon was still thinking.

"What is Suvilla?"

"Suvilla is the name of this world."

"Oh. How lovely."

The two of us walked back to the manor. By now it was about four o'clock. What an exciting day it had been.

On the way back, we stopped by the rows of green grapes. Eon plucked two of them off a vine and handed one to me. I bit into the grape. It was tangy and sweet. Perfect.

"This is divine!" I exclaimed.

Eon popped a grape into his mouth.

"I know. And if you like these green grapes, you will love the wine they turn into. I call it 'Field Nectar'."

I could help but notice Eon said "will". Not "would", "will". It bothered me.

Once we reached the manor, Eon had one of his servants escort me to my room. It was quite large and grand. The servant told me it was next to his room. Great.

The bed looked looked comfortable. And ginormous. I wasn't going to judge, though. I was exhausted.

The covers felt so soft and cozy. In a few minutes, I was gone.


During my sleep, I had a dream. It wasn't the dream I always had, but it was similar. I sat cross-legged in a pond. The air was thick with flower petals, and I could see nothing else. The song about the willow played again and again.

The leaves in the willow will blow

And the river will continue to flow

Life will go on every ordinary day

Follow along, go and never wait

I'll share with you a wisdom pearl

When we meet in a different world

The sun will continue to glow

And the clouds will continue to snow

The moon will shine so true and bright

The stars will dance under its light

Take me with you, sweet young girl

When we meet in a different world

Sudden realization hit me. The song mentioned that the sun and moon would continue to glow and shine bright. It reminded me of the story of the spirits. Both day and night still remain.

Different world. The song mentioned that as well. I was puzzled. What did this mean?

The door to the room was slightly opened. I threw the covers off me and walked towards it. In Eon's library was the hammer. If I could get my hands on it, I could study the symbol again.

No one was in the hall. Quietly, I shut the door to my room and went in search of Eon's library.

My room was on the second floor. Hurriedly, I searched for a staircase. Ow! I looked down on the ground. A needle sat near my foot. Only a tiny scratch was visible. Ugh. Why couldn't I have been given shoes? I set the needle on a bench by a painting and continued my search.

There it was! The staircase brought me to the first floor. I recognized the path to the study and turned right.

Eon's library was unlocked. I rushed in and picked up the hammer. On one side, there were two scuffed up arrows. On the other side, something different.

There was so much about the past of me and this world. They were connected. How strong was the connection?