Bayard's Mission

Gathered in a circle like good students, the skeletons looked at Ed who calmly explained the uses of each letter. The instruction skill still required some guiding as knowing how to write and identify a letter was not enough on its own.

'And that's how you use it a sentence' Ed transmitted in conclusion causing some of the skeletons to nod in realization.

[Instruction has leveled up]

'Class dismissed. Practice your mana manipulation' Ed waved them away and said.

He still needed to get writing materials and more ink. The boar blood ink was reserved for writing formations after all.

That was when Ed hit upon an epiphany

'I became a pre-k teacher…' Where else did you get to teach brainless fools and worry about writing utensils? Highschool?

'No wait they are skeletons it's obvious that they wouldn't have a brain' Once he touched upon this point Ed reigned in his wild thoughts and pondered on the next course of action.