
Ed's thoughts were not impeded even when overcome with anger. It was perhaps a perk of the mental fortitude skill. Thus, he did not do anything crazy. Yes, nothing crazy at all. It had all been carefully calculated inside his head.

"Woohoo! Death to the traitors!" "May God have-" "Hey! Can I use this head as a vase? Hehehe" The boisterous cries were still ongoing, and one of the orcs acted on their cries went over and grabbed the decapitated head of Abdurok which had rolled to the edge of the murky stage.

"Hey- Urgh…!" The orc then turned around, head held high, to brag to the crowd directly behind him. He was however forced to reorganize his thoughts before speaking out.

Reorganize… His thoughts…

But the only sound that could be heard whenever he opened his mouth was the dripping sound of blood that gushed out from it.