Nice Shaft

Heavy steps. It was as if his body was weighed down by orc iron.

Gurln had done a good job informing all of the orcs inside the barracks. In response, all the orcs had come rushing out hoping to be of any help to their elderly chieftess.

Unfortunately, Lagakha was already dead. They were torn by grief and they swore in their hearts, some even swore in the name of God, that they would repay that slight.

But Sunuguk, the one that heard her last words, her last wish. Could not feel their same emotions, he instead felt confused for the first time in his life. He told his brothers that the chieftess had a final wish and told them to guard the place until then. But...

What were the boulders of knowledge? Were they not their ancestry, their heritage? They were! They were a part of their culture and their history. Even as an orc of average intelligence, Sunuguk understood that.