Short Exchange

"Champion, what is bargen?" Blurak asked with confusion as it proceeded to stand up on its own two legs making for a towering figure. Ed had forgotten how large the ogre was even though he had fought it on two different occasions.

Nevertheless, the ogre was not even the slightest bit intimidating for Ed anymore. In fact, the creature was even a bit pathetic in his eyes. For one, it's intelligence was simply too poor, it was worse than most orcs.

"I want to make a deal with you" Ed said as he continued to walk closer and closer to the burly giant without a hint of trepidation. Blurak didn't take note of this confidence however as he was now trying to find out what exactly a deal encompassed.

"Deal?" It asked once more even drawing its ugly head close to Ed who had stopped in front of him effectively breathing down on him. Ed, though bothered, didn't mind it too much and decided to be more direct.