Orcnapped ...and released?

Come morning, Shel woke up to the sound of clashing metal. Her groggy state only allowed her to get a blurry view of her surroundings but the metallic reverberations which constantly assaulted her ears made sure this was only temporary.

"Ed?" She asked rubbing her eyes. Ed's figure turned to face her. His face was soaked with sweat yet filled with vigor and excitement.

"Good Morning" Ed said before stopping and placing his recently crafted hammer aside.

[Volendrung (Ebony Hammer)]

{ Made using the orc Ed's omitted Ebony Greaves, Volendrung is one big hammer }

Making armor for all or even just most of the orcs in the settlement was tiring work. If a better hammer could help ease that pressure then Ed had no faults with the idea, and it had, the piece of armor he made for Shel was proof.

[Shel's Armor (Orc iron Armor)]

{ An armor set crafted by the orc Ed with the Orc Shel in mind, it boasts non-scantily clad protection. }