Back in the unknown third dungeon layer, Ed's mushroom self was still proliferating at insane rates. This was all while he continued to investigate the mystery of the sentry mushroom he intended to create.
'Nothing seems to be working… Wait, maybe!' That was when Ed finally came up with a great idea. He grabbed back the sentry mushroom returning it to the system space before promptly returning to the system space himself.
Once there, he first walked over to the storeroom, and rather than grab the mushroom again Ed beelined towards an orc body.
'The state of the body still seems to be perfect' Time, therefore, did not flow in the space, or if it did it was at an abysmally slow rate. This wasn't his main intent in inspecting the body, however.
Ed was targeting the largest weakness of most living bodies. The eyes. He scooped it like one would ice scream using his wisp-like body and examined it only briefly before feeling sufficiently creeped out.