Wind Cannon

The chilly atmosphere in the cavern suddenly turned much colder as Vorgarag's expression twisted with helplessness written all over it. His expression managed to somehow express a deep sorrow as well as confusion and regret. These combined to form the twisted expression he currently bore.

"AAARGH!!!" Vorgarag roared madness evident in his eyes. His heads still raced to find a logic behind his current actions but it was to no avail. He always reached the same conclusion. Insanity. Everything felt, wrong, everything made him seem insane! HOW COULD THAT BE!?!?

But he couldn't pin down any other source, and thinking about it further only seemed to be drawing him closer to madness. Though it seemed he had long since reached the pinnacle.

So it turned out he was mad from the start... but looking back offered him no real clues as to when it started. It was too late anyway to find a solution. His ear-piercing scream acted as a catalyst.