Sharog's Dwindling Hope

As the orcs charged out there was only one emotion that inundated Sharog's heart. Dread. The number of orcs that weren't from the sacred tribe in the settlement was a little less than 200. Putting aside the ones that had already died, she was put through the act of seeing orcs drop like flies in her surroundings.

"Shel!" Sharog yelled suddenly before casting a weakened blade of wind at an armored knight. The knight shrugged in response to the attack but this still allowed Shel to turn around and deliver a deadly axe strike with one hand to the perpetrator.

Her other shoulder was busy carrying the still body of Dakgu. One had to now suspect if he was still living, but there was also no time for such considerations in the chaotic battlefield.

The knight who was attacked with a single axe managed to offset much of the force in the attack but before he could try and attack Shel again he was slashed down from behind by another orc.