Branding Spores

The mushrooms were pulsing with luminescent shades of red, blue, green, and yellow colors. Some even pulsed with the spontaneous nature of lightning, and some grew as tall and sturdy as trees.

The only thing these mushrooms shared in common was the way their spores blew about softly every so often creating a mist of myriad colors. It was literally a breathtaking sight, breathing in those spores was no different from breathing fire, water, earth, etc into your lungs resulting in death.

Further away from this dazzling scene were gray mushrooms.

These gray mushrooms spread rapidly and without scruples, but their beauty left much to be desired. Some seemed to have eyeballs inside them quietly observing the surroundings. It was quite eerie.

Others were white in color and skeletal in nature. Creepy. Near them were some sturdy shrooms with a dark gray metallic sheen. These industrial mirrors were the only ones that held a tinge of normalcy.