Reaping the Consciousness

Back in the orc plains, Sharog was at a loss. After going to the smithy and finding Ed's lifeless body what exactly was she supposed to do?

At first, she had not been at all worried. This wasn't an unusual event from her perspective. Sharog was similarly at peace with the matter as Ed had told her his bizarre life story when Vorgarag was still around.

Nonetheless, after two or three hours passed and the orcs in the outside started to ask questions things were different.

"Why hasn't Ed come out yet?" They would ask remembering Ed's actions of giving mini speeches before or after long battles.

"Did he go somewhere?" Another would pitch in. This was the story Sharog and Shel settled with, but that didn't mean they were at peace with Ed's disappearance either.

After about 5 hours of panicking next to Ed's lifeless husk, they had no choice but to seek out expert help.