Ray of Light

There were no shovels but they did have a sword, and there were no picks, but some did have axes. This pointless manual labor, even when performed by B-class and above individuals, could not be compared to the capabilities of the mages.

They had propped up the vines roof to ensure stability. They did this with ice, earth, they did it with anything they could use. Furthermore, they also propped up the tunnel that Balin was helping to dig with his plants and did some digging themselves.

With the multitude of fruits of many varieties available,  fatigue was almost none existent. The plants that Balin grew could ease one's heart and rest one's mind. With a clear head and a refreshed body, the knights could give it all each and every day.

Of course, though the food was delightful, some squad captains still could not bring themselves to be at peace.