Light of Day

Soon enough, one of the beasts was declared the winner. Unfortunately for Ed, it was the magic mole. The reason why Ed hated the thing was precisely the reason why even after winning the battle, the mole continued to loiter around.

It just loved to dig out his mushrooms looking for bugs to eat! Fortunately, there weren't any mushrooms for it to dig out. No, wait that wasn't a positive…

'Sigh… I got to kill you' Ed made his remaining sling shrooms fire at the mole instantly angering it. But before it could dig into the ground to dodge the small balls of fire, an enhanced explosion blasted its pale sensitive skin.

Saying it had received burns was an understatement as its figure was rendered unrecognizable. Yet, though roasted the mole still managed to pitifully cling onto life. This didn't help it when new fireballs catapulted onto its body and turned the third and second-degree burns into unbearable pain!