Finishing Touches

Back in Sanctuary, or rather outside of Sanctuary, Ed was still playing around with his boat. He was having fantasies about adventurers out at sea! But once reality barged in and told him how incredibly boring yet dangerous the empty ocean might be, Ed's fun finally died down.

'There more work to be done' Ed thought before shoring the vessel and grabbing his tools. He then started carving out new things from the chunks of wood he set aside. He carved out seats as well as compartments for storing equipment such as spears or potions.

In a shocking twist, Ed also made a compartment for cannonballs.

'This boat might fit one cannon' He could give all boats a cannon at the front and then also have ships with many cannons. There was no losing.

'With the turbo, the speed disadvantage can be somewhat mitigated' The cannon and potentially cannonballs would weight down the ship, that would obviously result in lower speed.